How long usually for the company to send the contract when they tell you are hired.
i got a phone call last week from the hotel that i applied and they said i got the job.They will send the contract this week but till today they havent send me. I made a phone call to them today and they said they will get back to me today. I just wanna make sure that before i pass my resignation i have my contract on hand. Is it easy to be a Sales Manager in Doha/?
A bird at hand is better than two in the bush.
Have little patience they will send you by courier.Untill and unless u sign your contract dont resign after signing your contract wait and see or you will be jobless cos after signing it will take time to process your papers.Dont be in a haste hve patience.
dont resign until u have ur visa in hand for Qatar
Of course!! You have to wait till you get the appnt letter.