scientology in qatar

I stopped by the doha book fair, and i was surprised to see a booth attended by 3 americans in black suits, offering all the works of l ron hubbard, and offer few other gadgets. So even though I've trotted the globe, the first contact with a scientologist was in doha. How funny is that? does it say something about the country?
"Religious gadgets"
It makes facinating reading
Panorama investigation on the cult here:
everyone has a right to deleiver thier relegiuos message...religion is a fashion nowadays
convert to scientology, its fashionable and hi tech :)
it was a mere overlook.
Well thanks for posting the link Khanan....yep i noticed this last year - thought it was strange!
No wonder Tom Cruises' and John Travoltas' popularity went down the drain when they made public they were followers of Scientology. Cruises' new film at the time coming out was the failure of the year, and his wife goes through hell thanks to Scientology - she is not even allowed to raise her own child without being surrounded by 'undercover scientology member' nannies! But it is a 'religious cult' which very successfully spreads amongst people who have too much money and not enough brainpower / education / personality.
C'mon guys, you know we shouldn't be discussing this in public with anyone who is less than Thetan Level II
Give them credit.. they do find innovative ways of getting their messages accross..
True, even this year they have children books in Arabic inspired by the writings of I Ron Hubbard.
think Qatar will be fertile ground. But yeah, it's weird ;)
It was there for the last book fair also....organizers obviously have no clue what it
Are you sure he wasn't a "Men in Black", brit?
around the exhibition centre too..
Wasn't DaRuDe wearing a Dark suit and Sunglasses the other day ?
not the first time
the organizers sucks dont know which chabra they hired them from.
Innocent Qatar. Lol.
Yeah... it's says that Scientology has so much money they can send salesmen anywhere in the world to try and peddle their crack pot religion.
(No offence to any Scientologists reading this)
and I think the authority had no clue about the,
they are assumed as some scientists selling scientific books...