Men too at breast cancer risk

Men too can develop breast cancer, and its treatment could be much more complex if diagnosed at an advanced stage, doctors said Thursday.
"People are unaware that breast cancer can afflict men also, as the disease is infrequent and hardly reported. Men too have nodules in the breast, and hormonal imbalance after the age of 40 can cause breast cancer,"
Cancerous cells can also be present in the male breast tissue. The problem is that the tumour might spread early to other body parts because of the small size of male breast,"
The fear and hesitation in males to get examined is a cause of concern too, say doctors.
The symptoms of breast cancer include swelling in the breast region, pus formation, and lumps in the armpits or breast region. Mammography is not of much help because the small-sized breast can not be satisfactorily examined by mammography machine. MRI, CT scan and ultrasound are better options.
how can i detect?
lol , Rizks , nice answer ,
Jack, it can be breast cancer as "Men actually do have breast though non-functional".
How can it be "Breast" cancer?
Colt it can only happen if u stop Khattak touchin ur moobies daily....:(
I better ensure my moobies don't grown any more :-(