A psychopath will use people for excitement, entertainment, to build their self-esteem and they invariably value people in terms of their material value (e.g. money, property, comfort, etc..). They can involve and get other people into trouble quickly and they seem to have no regret for their actions. To date there is no checklist of behavior and symptoms that will tell you with certainty whether or not a person is a psychopath. But there are warning signs.
Characteristics of a Psychopath
• superficial charm
• self-centered & self-important
• need for stimulation & prone to boredom
• deceptive behavior & lying
• conning & manipulative
• little remorse or guilt
• shallow emotional response
• callous with a lack of empathy
• living off others or predatory attitude
• poor self-control
• promiscuous sexual behavior
• early behavioral problems
• lack of realistic long term goals
• impulsive lifestyle
• irresponsible behavior
• blaming others for their actions
• short term relationships
• juvenile delinquency
• breaking parole or probation
• varied criminal activity
A person with a psychopathic personality can lead what appears to be an ordinary life. They can have jobs, get married and they can break the law like anyone else. But their jobs and marriages usually don’t last and their life is usually on the verge of personal chaos. They are almost always in some kind of trouble or they are not far from it.
Source : Stop the Madness, by Micheal G. Conner
Got HIM ...
Yes, he turned himself into a dog.
* need for self-stimulation & porn ....Rizks thats
ilike to live with them
Hope i am not surrounded with double faced people..
TFS. Sadly, these are too many signs to woory about, but we should take heed of the main ones.
On the whole, humans are trusting and good natured. So, it is all too easy to be taken in..
soniya..dont have to be scared..just be alert:)
FS, you have chilled out my nerves..I am hell scared now...:((
quite a few people fit that description in this town!!! :)...
that's creepy.. i know somebody..
are u talking about my BOSS??? =P
I see them all around.
Rizks...looks like he doesn't have hairs too :P
its not terrible like honour
Lets see.. 10 more days to go lol
Alas !
They are in plenty in our society!! Ghosts are scared of me!!:) I am not scared of anything:) except GOD!!
FS - seeing the pic, I assumed you had a bad dream and its a ghost story on DAY-1 ;)
are there so many of those in QL?
Tinker....thanks for feeling great as finally the fever is gone...:)
FS...TFS....I can relate with the last line which is saying something...:)
to me he looks like Khanan.....:(
Wow. All those characteristics - sums up Rizks ;o)
That creature looks like the one in One Missed Call.
that looks scary FS..
he doesnt have any Eyes ! :(