pup in doha

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I am wishing to adopt a small breed puppy like pomerian etc., which is cute and at the same time doesn't grow too much in size. I understand QAWS doesn't have anything available now...Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
if you are interested, we are taking care of a stray dog that gave birth to 6 puppies. she is medium size, did not see the father so cannot determine if the pups will grow big. the pups are now 8 weeks old and in need of a good loving, permanent home as they are not allowed where we stay. i can send you photos if on your email if you like.
Ok. Thank you.
My understanding is QAWS ask that you pay the veterinarian costs (vaccinations, neutering, any other medical) that have been paid by QAWS.
As these are the same costs you would have to pay as a loving pet owner anyways PLUS you would have to take the animal to and from the vet office, this is very fair.
Also, in this way you know the animal you are adopting is healthy - unlike an animal bought from the pet trade.
How much one needs to pay to QAWS? Any rough estimate?
a. adopt a different small breed and consult qaws
b. or leave your name and contact there
I did b and two weeks later they delivered me the pet of my choice!