Should idiotic/unfit mothers be steralized ?

What is the answer to this ? Should humans deemed unfit to be parents be steralised ?
This stupid mother should be locked and the key thrown away.. RIP little ones..
Horror as mother 'locks her five small children in 6ft closet while she goes out for 10 hours... then comes home to find two dead'
Edyan Farah, 28, allegedly put all five of her children - aged one through to seven - into the small closet and pushed a bed in front of the door so they could not get out.
The closet was 6ft long and about 18in deep.
Farah left for ten and a half hours to visit a friend on Sunday. When she came back to her home in Indianaopolis, she opened the closet to find her five-year-old daughter Zuhur and three-year-old son Zakariya 'stiff and unresponsive'.
Four hours later, a family friend grew concerned when Farah - who was acting strangely - refused to let anyone in the apartment.
The friend then called Farah's uncle to the apartment complex. When he arrived and looked through the door of the apartment, he saw what appeared to be a dead child on the couch.
When he tried to call 911, Farah grabbed his phone from his hands and threw it away.
He then held her down as the family friend retrieved the phone and called for help.
Now Farah has been charged with neglect resulting in her children's deaths.
She told police she was 'not in her right mind' at the time of the incident.
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Absolutely, lot of idiots are procreating.
If only there was a way to sterilize them before they have the kids in the first place...
i am only sad to hear this kind of news.
CHILD ABUSE....cruelty!
What happens to you all the time ?
may God never bless heartless idiots with the gift we call children
Yes, sterilize them. Child abuse is a common denominator of serial killers.
Happens to me all the time.
What was so important for her to have had such mental thoughts of putting her children away like that for so she could go out is beyond me. Those poor children, so innocent, and their siblings will have to remember this everyday for the rest of their lives. The thought of how scared they all must have been terrifies me...
I doubt people who have love and consideration for anyone, human or animal, other than themselves will do such terrible acts. In fact I'd expect such atrocities from people who mistreat animals for it shows their frightening lack of a conscience and mercy!
It happens when people love dogs & cats more than their own innocent childens.............
emgee: Clarkson has a point... Problem is that then you're leaving it to social worker types to make the call and they don't have a great track record..
emgee: Clarkson has a point... Problem is that then you're leaving it to social worker types to make the call and they don't have a great track record..
people went through a licencing certificate before they have kids....
Emgee... I have to agree with Jeremy Clarkson - except for the financial aspect of it as some poorer people still manage to give their kids an good upbringing - sterilise the idiots. If you cannot have kids and look after them, you don't deserve them!
Sterilized? No she should suffer the death penalty, but that would be letting her off easy. Her punishment will be living out her life in jail and having her children taken away.
She left kids in a closet so she could go visit a friend? Must of been some friend....
No child derseves what she has done. I can't even understand what was going on in her mind. I feel like this is probably a result of a mother with a substance abuse problem.
Jeremy Clarkson wrote an article stating that all prospective parents should undergo an IQ, mental stability and financial means test. Anyone failing any or all categories would be sterilized. Reason for the article: downward slide in all areas of life- respect, moral behaviour, responsibility (to oneself and society) etc etc. Certainly, it seems often true that those with the least capacity to develop and nurture as well as financially support them have the most kids and vice versa.
mom!! now cant call her tht!! was she soooooooooooo stupid... cum family members didn't check upon her for 10 hrs..if she was outside with no kids so it was obvious who she left the kids with to baby sit ?
I still think that she got major mental issues.
Arien, she is beyond stupid....
5 kids , locked , 2 dead, 3 sruvived. sounds like a dog story to me. Idiot female.
Not to mention so widespread...and many of these abusive parents actually suffer little or no regrets! Which is why its essential that they are punished by the court of law. Allahu must3an..truly lets hope there will come a time when such vile humans can be diagnosed and sterilized legally so as to prevent such tragedies from occurring time and again!
Put her in solitary confinement, the smallest cell possible, so she undergoes the agony those poor souls went through.
She's not a single mom and she has her family around her..
Single Mom go through Clinical depression, They don't know what they doing looking at the web link and her pic i can clearly see what their life style would be.. One thing i don't understand why do they keep kids with them if they can't take care of them properly at least they can give them away for adoption. I am So sorry for the Loss of two children and I hope other 3 be in safe hands, mom wont forgive herself for the incidence doesn't matter what judgment be she will regret for life long.
As a father, I am astounded at the cruelty a parent can heap on a child..
There was a case recently where a couple regularly abused their 8-year-old son by hog-tying him to a coffee table with duct tape.
Luckily, the judge jailed them for 26 years and 34 years without parole.
There are too many people becoming parents and bringing innocent children into this world without really having the means, knowhow or mentality to look after them.
It's really sad, people bang on about physical and sexual abuse, but they forget neglect is just as bad.
no words could really describe that act fatimah, it's way beyond words!
fail me when I hear of such stories. However a word like "idiotic" is waaaaaaay too lenient used on this woman. This is child abuse at its worst. Subhanallah! Imagine the fear and pain felt by the little ones who survived as they watched their siblings perish?(I don't even want to imagine the agony of those who died)I hope the woman is justly punished!
how could she do that to her kids tsk!
I agree snessy.. oh those poor kids...
I hope they take the other children away from her. I'm not keen on them going into care, but surely they are safer there than with this heartless woman...
it's unbearable!
how horrific nowadays these people! :(
I got no words for this... :(