Salary Package

By AmericanGal •
If I were to make 40,000 QR a month, (total Compensation), and want to send two kids to the American School (roughly 90,000 QR per year), and rent a villa in a compound for 12000 QR per month, plus other expenses etc such as landline, internet access, groceries etc. Will that suffice for a family of four? Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
hit the nail right on its head. It's all about your lifestyle. To some, 10K is a decent salary and to the others even 30K isn't enough.
It's not an easy answser $x is sufficient. What are your needs (and wants) - what type of housing, where, furnished or unfurnished, which school, does your employer cover any of these costs? What's your lifestyle, do you need access to a beach/pool/gym - what kind of facilities?
Do you dine out often? KFC or 5*hotels?
Lots of people here live on less than 10,000 Riyal a month and pay rent out of that and maybe education
I seem to be getting some mixed advices. I am planning to move to Qatar to be with my husband. So what is the average monthly income a family of 3 would need to be able to live? I have a 6 year old boy, which I would plan to enroll him in school as well. I'm excited, but so nervous. Please help!
Al Waab area, Al Saad, Al Azizya (good ones since you can use the new highway to Landmark Mall and then right towards the Cornishe - Q-tel towers is next to the 4 Seasons Hotel)
Ain Khalid and Mammoura are also close to ASD.
Read more:
How far is the airport area from the American School? Also, how about Q-Tel Towers? Any thoughts?
Al Wakra is about a 10mins drive from the airport going south. Try looking in the Airport/ Hilal area, maybe you will get lucky.
My friend just moved into a 4 bedroom compound villa for 10K, in the airport area... the house is nice, but the compound is not as grand as the other compound villas :-(
Can someone please give me some information on the areas in Doha? How far is Al Wakra from ASD? How about QTEL towers? Is there an area (s) that would be a comfortable drive from both QTEL Towers and ASD? I am looking at a number of areas where 4 bedroom compound villas can be had for 10,000 QR, but I am unaware of the areas. Also, are there any areas that I should not consider?
depends on what you're asking. Do you mean will it suffice for your expenses, or do you mean will you be able to save?
30K excluding housing is comfortable living, coz if my memmory serves me right, pilots are given free schooling for upto a certain number of kids and upto a certain amount annually.
Housing varies from 8K upwards for 2 bedroom and higher villas and from 5K upwards for a 2 bedroom and higher apartment.
or where to find it? Thanks Colt45 for your answer. Any feedback will be grateful.
And what about living expenses? do you think QR30000 will be enough for a fam of 5. Ages of 10 & 8 & 9 mths. My husband is going crazy to leave but I'm still holding.
close to the bone,,,you need about 60,000.
If you're joining QR, then you will be given a house to live in. I'm not sure if that will be a villa, or a 3-4 bedroom apartments, more clinging towards villa.
However, if you're going to be living outside company provided accommodation, then you will need to look in the Matar Kadeem area for villas, that is where most pilots reside and its the airport area.
We got and offer to move to Qatar, and our 2 Kidos 10 & 8 will be needing a school same as you, if you can give us and idea of the all process will be great. At the same time we are wondering about the housing, in our understanding you live in villas (colonies) where houses are in certain area with the regular services. We need to live close to the airport.
We are figuring out all those aspect to see if the adventures worth the change of living, any post will be appreciated very much.
I believe Doha College and Doha English Speaking School are highly regarded as is the ASD - however, they follow the British Curriculum and nationality may play a role in acceptances - however, I stand to be corrected. I don't have children so I'm going on what I've heard from colleagues.
Thank you for the wonderful advice. I have spoken to the ASD and am awaiting their response to see if we can get the kids in for January. Also, can you please recommend some other schools that are considered at par with the ASD? I am in talks regarding housing as well. Ideally if they would cover the housing and the schooling I am willing to take slightly less cash comp at the end of the month!
Be aware that although there is a lot of affordable housing choices right now, it's only happened in the past 18 - 24 months. Should demand increase(unlikely right now IMHO) you may find housing costs taking more and more of your salary. As Mandilular said, many employers here pay for both schooling and housing.
Another issue might be finding a place for your children at the school of your choice. The better schools have long waiting lists (often a year or more) - get them on a list ASAP as soon as you make your decision.
Thank you everyone. This has been helpful. I was reviewing some other sites as well and I think I could likely save by living in a smaller home and hence paying less rent, but overall it seems that this may be doable.
your fixed expenses per month would be
Housing - 12000 (although if you look hard, you will get a 4 bedroom villa for 10K)
School fees - 7500
Phone/ Internet - 1000 (depending on your usage)
Adding up roughly it still gives you a balance of 19500 (40000-20500), which is approx $5300
So you have around $1000+ for your other expenses such as groceries, eating out, shopping, etc.
It's just a question of how flexible you are with the amount of $4000 that you wanna save, or should I say on the amount you wanna spend on miscellaneous stuff.
If you want to save USD4,000 (QR15,000) from a salary of 40,000 that means you can spend only QR25,000/month. If you take away 12,000 for rent and 8,000 average for schools then the remaining is QR5,000 only to spend every month.
If you want to live decently in a compound with kids going to ASD, then QR5,000/month is definitely not enough to cover all other expenses including phone,internet, power, water, groceries, clothes, eating out, gifts, other kids expenses, a maid (is almost a must for a working lady wtih two school kids), travel (once or twice a year), transportaion.
The other question you can ask yourself is weather your job really deserves a payment of more than QR40,000/month or not.
We are a family of 4 living in a compound villa and have 2 school kids and our average monthly spending is in excess of QR40,000/month
hey Its good package go ahead
All the best
dont listen to any one your pagackge is very excellent only you have to do is try to reduce your housing rent by going for cheep rent .
multiply 40000 x 12 deduct 12000 x 12 and deduct 90000 then divide by 12 to get what is left over monthly - ascertain what you will pay for utilities/food/transportation and other incidentals - is it US4000?
AT QR40000 a month, it will give you an annual earnings of more or less US$143700 and your estimate of a savings of US$4000 monthly is secured. A good offer indeed. Goodluck.
According to my understanding that is going to be a part of the 40000 monthly compensation. However, I would like to make sense of how much I might be able to save if any. My husband is earning well so I realize that we will have savings there but ideally I would like to save on average 4000 USD each month and am not sure if that will be possible. Should I try to negotiate a little more?
Your employer really should be paying for your housing and schooling. It's pretty standard.