NASA plans to visit the sun.

If you've seen Danny Boyle's movie Sunshine, you may be a little disappointed: NASA's mission to visit the Earth's sun won't include sending people up there.But NASA will be sending a spacecraft into the Sun's atmosphere, approximately four million miles from its surface. The project, called Solar Probe Plus, is slated to launch sometime before 2018.Four million miles doesn't sound very close, but it's still very exciting, since this is a region no other spacecraft (created by us) has ever encountered. NASA plans for the project to "unlock the sun's biggest mysteries."Although the spacecraft will be relatively far from our star's surface, its carbon-composite heat shield will have to withstand intense radiation, as well as temperatures exceeding 2,550 degrees Fahrenheit."The experiments selected for Solar Probe Plus are specifically designed to solve two key questions of solar physics -- why is the sun's outer atmosphere so much hotter than the sun's visible surface and what propels the solar wind that affects Earth and our solar system?" said Dick Fisher, director of NASA's Heliophysics Division in Washington.We have been struggling with these questions for decades and this mission should finally provide those answers.
There are already experiments to build Solar Wings near the sun - not on it..
The idea is that the panels would harnes the energy and direct it (like a laser beam) to points on earth..
Ofcourse , the same could be used as a weapon of mas destruction :O)
LP errrrrrr for bullshyte :P
Bullshitting is also a science :P
I am crying right now..just reading your post!
You're the single hope of the whole Humanity!
A new Einstein between us...
Bravo! :)
Instead of building solar panels on earth, imagine how much MORE energy we could create if we could build solar panels on the sun itself?
WK will fill you up on that. Won't you WK?
The Nobel Prize for what, WK?
Oh yes, you do. The Nobel Prize for ------- goes to WK for _ _ _ _ . :)
Ice I do deserve it, don't I :P
LP don't get jealous when I get my Nobel :D
Now these guys should be awarded the Nobel prize..WK & Rshimba.
The mission could help push the use of solar and magnetic energy for propulsion purposes..
More to the point, will the new Solar Flare based Extermitron technology be shared with all nations ??
NASA employs scientists from every country. It's an issue of the human race. If you crave on your nationality you belong in the 19th century at the most.
twenty, that was a BP's problem..they were responsible to plug the leak...not americans in general.
lets first get some heavy water from the moon to take care of the possible energy crisis of the earth in the future..
I can’t believe Americans can do that….. even they can’t manage the Gulf of Mexico oil leak in a well way…how they can do mission to sun
We need to understand the sun, son. Our planet and life are totally dependent on its behavior. And in a 4 billion years the sun will be dead cold. So, it's good to know how and when these things happen.
we r studying abt earth. thats right....
i have seen a video abt the planet earth.
and in that video. its mentioned abt the earths core and the possible cause of earths magnetic field....
what i am trying 2 tell is....
v r not able 2 go 2 our core...
the temp is sooo high...
and what the point of going towards the sun???
which is much much hotter than earths core....
i think first u must use WE not V.
Who told you they are not studying the earth?
say WE ten times
v could not go 2 the center of the earth..
v could not find the secrets of earth core...
the center of our earth is also hot...
i mean, equally hot as sun itself.....
instead of studying abt our earth....
y they r wasting money and time on sun???
i think 1st v must know abt our planet. then v can go 4 other...
Lincoln what i meant is that u can travel to point A and then to point B. although you went to the future in both cases, one of them is still the past relative to the other. also, when 2 observers are in motion, Time dilation would make each one of the 2 observers' view of time seem to be faulty from the other observer's perspective that even relativity is relative
This is all in our universe ;) .. so you can imagine any other parallel universe where even physical properties and laws on a sub atomic level can drastically change.
Rye, actually the Theory of Relativity says that all physical laws are the same independent from the observer.
cool, drac.
u don't have to get into the speed of light to travel back and forth in time. Whether past or future, all depends on who is the observer ( relativity )
Traveling in time could be achieved through wormholes, which make sense mathematically, but the trick is the uncertainty on where u would pop out. ( time and place )
u don't have to get into the speed of light to travel back and forth in time. Whether past or future, all depends on who is the observer ( relativity )
Traveling in time could be achieved through wormholes, which make sense mathematically, but the trick is the uncertainty on where u would pop out. ( time and place )
so many human problems can be traced back to poor parenting
Simulation of Special Relativity: Lorentz Contraction
It was the wax that melted. The wings were fixed with wax from the bees. As Icarus came too close to the sun, against the advice of his father Daedalus, the wax melted and the wings fell apart.
He didn't even make it out of the troposphere ..
That's another fairy tale, about Daedalus and Icarus, veris.
he tried flying to the sun and his wings melted... didn't he know Lorentz transformation?
Since when do you believe in fairy tales, WK?
Okay, brit. But you will shrink to 0. Enjoy the Speed of Light and over.
I heard Chuck Norris runs faster than the speed of light :(
OK.. Einstein worked with tools of his day.. I have therefore decided to do away with warp engines and go with a Tachyon particle propulsion unit....
drac, don't confuse brit with 'religious' stuff, please.
Chronicles record time a "document" of the College of Bavaria, which is written in black and white that the speed with which "steam locomotive going ill human brain ... furiosum delirium, recommending that over the railroads to build walls , to protect the eyes and ears of "apocalyptic vision".
And the reason for that is, that an object travelling at the Speed of Light shrinks to Zero according to the Lorentz transformation. The formula is easy. The length contraction equals the original length multiplied with the root of 1- vsquare over the square of c. (c being the Speed of Light). If the speed (v) gets close to the Speed of Light (c), then it becomes 1. (1 is the unit for the Speed of Light in this system of measurement.) So, you'll get 1 - 1, and that is 0. The square root of 0 is also 0. If you multiply the original length with 0, you'll get 0. Voila.
Not even using warp engines powered by dilithium crystals ??
brit, it is not possible for matter to travel at a speed higher than the Speed of Light.
welcome to the Sun (shine).. :)
If they travel up to the speed of light, then using the sun's gravitational pull, cause a slingshot effect and catapult away at a speed greater than the speed of light. Then they will in effect be travelling back in time...
Won't they ?
its would be damn impossible for them to do that...
Time travel is only possible into the future, brit. Not into the past. Sorry.
I wonder if they'll be able to slingshot around the sun and travel back in time..
"Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun"
NASA listens to pink Floyd
I know the real reason:
"Only 55% of all Americans know that the sun is a star"
my plane actually collected some helium from the sun to fill balloons for me..:)
I was higher up
if the drops fell on my plane...proves my plane was closer to the sun..
Maybe the Astronauts of my team were taking a leak and some drops fell on yours :(
Sorry about that :P
yeah, my paper plane got wet and then i understood it must have been raining..
Lol WK, answered to the point.
Rishi I once sent a paper plane up in the sky when I was a kid to carry out this research :(
He's smart!
oh wk, how did you figure that out..:)
This will tell us that the Sun is a bit too hot to live in :(
drmana, we cant say that it would be an absolute waste of money..because when such reserch projects are budgeted and sanctioned, the immediate and long term returns or benifits are also considered.
we dont really know what this information would lead us to..
i am inquisitive to know.
They will help scientists study solar winds, magentic forces, heat and radiation etc...
Using this knowledge we can build more destructive weapons of mass destruction..
I hate the sun light!
The first way that Guiness extinguishes the Sun is by cooling the heat from it.
This is possible through beer’s ability to absorb massive amounts of heat by converting water to alcohol vapor.
Without heat, the Sun cannot keep the oxidizer burning to sustain the fire.
No more nightmare for me! :P
Go,Irish mission..Go!Go!Go!
Waste of money I would say.
what would be the benifit to the mankind once we have those answers?
The Irish have already announced plans for their probe.... It will go at night and study the effects of solar winds on the pouring of a Guiness..