nursery school teacher salary ?

Hello I am american with a masters degree from the US. I wanted to apply for a teaching position in qatar and was wondering what the salary was for a Nursery School Teacher? Can someone please let me know. I know there is a difference in pay for US/British nationals and people that apply from let's say India. Is it like that for nursery schools as well?
Hello I am american with a masters degree from the US. I wanted to apply for a teaching position in qatar and was wondering what the salary was for a Nursery School Teacher? Can someone please let me know. I know there is a difference in pay for US/British nationals and people that apply from let's say India. Is it like that for nursery schools as well?
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this was the original question guys....
why did you all always stray away from the original topic?
if u guys like to stray away then take this and i quote " I know there is a difference in pay for US/British nationals and people that apply from let's say India " for me that statement was indeed offensive, so people other then that had lower standard?
Hello everybody and special thanks to TANUZAHIR that she shared us her thought,,I hop she had a good job now,actually being a mother is a very precious job,,
working mother can't not enjoy the special moments with their babies like stay at home mom,,I think what ever the degree that we have, it's better to stay with our kids for their first years(9if we have the choice too)
as for me I have a master degree in and i had a good position,,but when I had my first baby last June (god bless him) I preferred to stay at home with him.
I couldn't think of leaving him with the maid or at the nursery before he becomes 2 years...
lots of people blamed me and still,,and sometimes I feel that Iam loosing my career and my mind also,,and start to think if I took the good decision,,,but after 1 smile from my baby and time that we spend together ,I forget everything,,now I am thinking to start a job in a nursery too just to stay with him,,,
this is life:))))))
Madam, to tell you the fact, we were inspired by an advertisement which was appearing in Indian TV in 80s
Fridge - 15000
Washing Machine - 30000
TV - 20000
Car - 125000
A Photoframe showing a child playing with father and mother - Priceless
Then a caption appears -
Use mastercard for every thing else.
If your undergraduate degree is in early childhood education that will help. Qatar is a little sticky about teachers not qualified for their level and subject. But I'm afraid the pay will be quite minimal in any case. Good luck and let us know!
Ice Maiden, That's so similar to my story. Its been a year for me as a stay home mommy and this will be same for next 6 months and then we will leave Qatar so that I can continue working. I stayed home for all this time here just so that we could stay together as a family while hubby completes his assignments here. Have questioned my decision myself quite a lot of time but I am happy and so is my family. So that's all that matters in the end :-)
Sorry for the little hijack.
Hi Tanuzahir,
Yep, i was just wondering about it ..but now i got ur point and i completly agree and support what you are doing.
i read your other ads and guess i will be needing your help later on ..
@kadavsk your story is so inspiring. and you have done the right thing
Thank you so much , this is such an inspiring story... it was a good reminder....
@ kadavsk. Felt good reading that.
Have a Master Degree too. After I had children, I left my well paid job. Many of my friends said I was stupid. There were times I even asked myself if I was doing the right thing? Was I wasting my education?
Now I am back to work, but not in a challenging position like before. I focused on mainly timings so I could be with my family.
Thankyou so much so sharing your story. It's nice to have these little reminders of what is worthwhile.
As i think 3000rial-4000rial .In teaching salary is not so good.
You are exactly in the same situation where my wife was. She is doctorate and was teaching in college. After my daughter born, she resigned. When my daughter reached to 4 years of age, she took the job in the same school where my daughter got admission. She worked for almost free just to be with my daugher all the time. Her sacrifices paid and now my daughter works for Microsoft USA.
Any way, very nice to know about your outstanding education and achievments
Do not bother for the salary. How much is enough is enough, no one can define.
Ya i know Nachu... I actually have a master degree from Harvard University in Info Sys Mngt...I worked in investment bank as a tech manager for the last 7 years in the US. I have a 1 year old now and want to be able to work were he can be with me. Don't want to leave him by himself so early. You can say i am a paranoid mom. hehehehehehe Anyways for now i am looking for a nursery school teaching position that pays decent so that i can be with him and also work and not lose my mind staying home. I have been home for a year now and feel like jumping out the window... :-)
Does anyone know any schools that are looking?
Teaching is noble profession.
Work for Zero salary if you are well off.
Hi Tanuzahir, i think nachu is right, you can find better job if you are masters degree holder... anyway, in place like Doha International Kindergartens the salary would be in range between 25k- 35k with list of allowances (depending if you are going to be sponsored by them or not)
Masters and Nursery???