Blood money: Blair and his book

B-Liar yesterday pulled a sneaky one and announced that cash from his book will go to help injured soldiers.
Slimy Blair sensed the public mood and came up with this gesture. But most of the public is not convinced..
Tony Blair was last night accused of offering ‘blood money’ to ex-servicemen by diverting the cash from his memoirs to help injured soldiers.
Relatives of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan said the former Prime Minister was trying to ‘ease his conscience’ by giving the £4.6million advance and any profits from his book to the Royal British Legion.
The money from the £25 book, A Journey, will go towards a sports centre for wounded soldiers, sailors and airmen to ‘honour their sacrifice’, said Mr Blair.
Mr Blair, who has amassed a personal fortune put as high as £60million since leaving Downing Street in 2007, has faced repeated accusations that he failed to properly fund the conflicts, leaving troops on the frontline overstretched and using poor equipment.
Memoirs: Tony Blair's autobiography will be published next month. Proceeds will help fund a rehab centre planned by the Royal British Legion
The money from the book, which will be published next month, will be the biggest personal donation ever received by the Legion.
What say you ??
Source: Daily Mail
the fact this guy can lie, cheat, murder and steal and still get paid, walk free and have a good job should tell about how the world works.
as stalin said "One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic."
osama will not refuse ur idea
Oh Tony, you did it again...
Osama can also publish a book and donate all the revenues from it for the victims of 9/11. This will be a noble gesture from him.
very strange indeed. It seems that MODS have totally misunderstood the gist of the story :O(
Currently I am more interested in why the MODs supressed my debate about the UK doctor that suggested legalising drugs was worth considering.
Guess its not really going to make him look so good after all, judging by the accusations that have sprung up already since he announced his decision. However it might very well make him feel he did something unlike many world leaders today!
Yes, but this way, he makes himself look good. If he had felt so strongly, why not donate a lump sum from his other earnings..
Either ways good for those beneficiaries.
I'd rather read his book than Gordon Brown the morose years and how I saved the world....
B-Liar is a pain in the arse.
British taxpayers are paying £6m a year to protect this bugger, who travels the world on lucrative private sector work.
He is estimated to have earnt more than £18 million since leaving office in June 2007.
I wonder why this bugger does not pay for his security and the hard earning taxpayer pays for him.
Mr Blair is being paid £4.6 million (in the region of $7 million) advance on sales of the book, which is entitled "Tony Blair - A Journey".
I think its a rather noble gesture. He knows he f**ked up so he is giving something back, it can never fully compensate for his decisions but its something.
A 4.6 million advance plus royalities is nothing to sniff at.
No! But his change of heart came AFTER there had been rumblings from the public regarding his book and the proceeds..
Like I said, i would rather the public donated the money , rather than bought B-liar's book..
So you'd prefer it if he kept the proceeds rather than give them to charity?
better it to be bought by injured soldiers demselves... :)
blood money. We support our soldiers not the politicians who send them to these bloody conflicts.
you echoed my thoughts... more power to the people! ;-)
I personaly hope that the public will ignore his book and give the money directly to the charity instead..
The book is going to be a bestseller.
I doubt that the book will gather any profit as there won't be many interested to read it.
If it does, It is good if it is able to help at least one injured soldier. He can't undo his past deeds from it though.
personal fortune as high as £60million... damnit britex, wtf are you doing on QL? :-P