Where can I find massage center?

My Tennis Coach is presently suffering from muscle pain at his upper left back. He wants to undergo a massage with a good Physical Therapist so he may relieved from his back pain. How much would it cost for him for the massage session. Preferrably near at Um Salal Ali area. Thank you for any information.
For physiotherapy in DOHA, follow the below link :
i think massage center is just helping you to relax your body coz of the massage they offer but not really like physical therapy that focuses on the body problem like what your couch have it...but if your couch really think that its just a muscle spasm then you can contact massage center but when it is worst then you should probably look for professional therapist...
Thai Traditional Massage 44329704
Contact some physiotherapist in some health clinic and not massage in massage centre. I am sure every health centre has at least one physiotherapist. If not, HMC surely has few of them.