Migrain Pain

Am suffering from migrain pain in left part of head. Most of the times it's a strange feeling in a vein over left ear + regular pain over left eye and some times backhead and neck. I saw doctor and X'ray reports are normal. He gave medicine course for a month but nothing has changed in last week.
Kindly share your experience on how to cure migrain.
Hi, The best option, meet Dr. Usha Parekh Bhat. well experienced and she is working now at Doha Clinic. She ex-onsultant at Appollo Hospital , India and diploma from UK.
Agree with all the above. Try Black Cumin Seeds ;o)
i have the same problem,it is a stress problem even you not feel stress ,it's from the blood pressure.
Did you try chinese aculponcture?
Try it you will see the differents.It's help a lot!
hi there
i suffered with migrain n had to show a doc...she gave me a tablet Stugeron 25 mg for 3 months to start off with...
u need to take that every night before sleeping n in case u feel u r getting it in spite of the tablet u need to take panadol
(the red one worked for me)
It might not work within days but gradulally u will see results...
one reason i get this pain was coz of stress or not having enuf food or delaying the food...so make sure u be disciplined in that
I hope this was useful...good luck...
Better have it checked in person that asking around in some internet social site. You should be checked personally so you'll be assessed better. No one here can actually answer your question as symptoms and medication may greatly vary & as its a case to case basis. Plus, those who'll advise on what medicine to take might not even be real docs.
Good luck.
Try to contact neurologist.
Google it! You will find numerous solutions. Moreover, how would you know that the answer here is from someone who suffers the pain, or a doctor, or just another person trying to pass his/her time!