Problem with the "Answers" section??

It might be only me (or my laptop!) but whenever I write a nice, long detailed answer for someone's question, only the first couple of lines are shown. And the when you click "read more", the page refreshes but nothing new comes up.
My last answer had to be split into 3 which is really irritating.
Is it just me???
not from any qlers...... i'll pm you....
saad, spoiled?? coz of whom???
Soniya, my weekend was spoiled in the morning, but now i am really happy........ :D
soniya, i never ever wrote it in this sense.... It was just that your answers are always full of detail and informative......
drmana, yah it seems so..But why they wanna show their stupidity to others?? lolz
soniya, spammer's profile need not be true. QL is having these spammers with new profile each day. There seems to be no way to block them permanently.
That is even worse, Soniya. Oh my God. Allah help us.
lol LP...OMG, it's not HE but SHE...
Check the profile, Soniya. That's what I did.
LP, who is that person??? what is he writing???
I know SAAD..I didn't mind at all buddy...take it don't spoil ur weekend...cheer up..
how u doing today???
The a66hole also strikes here. Mods are definitely sleeping.
lol saad..
It looks as if u r taunting me..never mind, it's ok..I don't mind..heh hehe
I was waiting for soniya's detail answer and here it is.... ;)
There are some limitations for reply on Q & A section...So we can't argue on it..
Related to what chelesa has said, yes it has happened with me as well..Whenever i've given detailed answer, only the half appears and when i click READ MORE, half of my anwer never appears...So i have to retype the invisible part of my answer again..
If i have your support i'll surely break the Qlers record.... ;)
...Keep it up !
Oh..... i have in total 4,from which 3 got deleted yesterday....... :D
I don't have your Deleted Threads Record :(
ghazalz... which score ;)
saadm80, What is your score now? ;)
try to contact the mods.... i think ghazalz is right
This page wasn't full so it can't have been that :(
I submitted detailed reply twice, but did not appear... page was full...I think that's the reason behind it :)
I've never posted an answer longer than a couple of sentences but I've seen longer answers around..