hardest workers recieving lowest money

The labours working here in gulf(actually they are very important for all the companies)still getting lowest sallary.......very funny.
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Man i agree that those guys need a raise but & again they will everything for the rest of us. So u guys still wana give them a raise ???
i wish that someone help to raise a sallary of workers who had difficult work but lowest sallary
thank you for every one who give positive answer to this topic,actually they are working like slaves here,they have to eat what ever their company gives,cant complain about this otherwise you will be terminated.....very strange....no humen rights here because no strong media ....
Yeah...the nepali guy in my office was cursing....he paid 110,000 Nepali Rupees to come here and he is working for QR700 of which hardly anything gets saved.
He is not interested to stay here a bit but he has to make at least the 110k he had invested :(
pity for the laborers.
thats not funny at all:(
stupid poster...where is funny? is he still drinking tea?
yeah! funny it not good term to describe.
they are laborer's, with out them building cnt be build.
We must love and respect them.
also their salary sometimes delayed..
sssshhhh...!!! dont say anything you are in gulf
Funny? Not really funny my dear..working under the heat of the sun at 47 to 50 degress celcius! tsk-tsk
Real funny is this...along any road here in qatar...when a toyota land cruiser or huge SUV approaching behind you...you better slow and give way otherwise they will get mad! NOTICE THEY ARE LOCALS mostly...some are so called masri. TERRIBLE!
It's truely a sad fact.
Need to provide MORE information about Their Rights.......
These poor laborers are working without knowing their WORKING HOURS in Summer, their minimum wages and hygeinic living conditions :(
its really a sad fact for those workers.
Funny is not the word for it...
Its funny that we dont care about them ..
If they were to get more money, then you would have to take a cut...
it is really sad !! not funny !!
its not funny.. its really pity
here, you will find funny drivers, you will find funny gals, you will find funny kids, you will find everything funny here because they have plenty of vitamin M. so they dont respect anything,