Pensioner leaves £250,000 tip for Cabbie.

How much do you tip the poor Karwa Cabbie....
A cabbie has retired after a regular passenger left him a £250,000 tip... in her will.
Don Pratt, 65, spent 20 years ferrying pensioner Mary Watson to and from her local shops in Newquay, Cornwall.
He picked her up from her house and took her wherever she needed to go.
But Mary, in her 80s, left her favourite taxi driver one final large tip - a quarter of a million pounds.
Father-of-four Don, a taxi driver for 30 years, said: 'She was always a good tipper in life and she's was an even better tipper when she went.
'I knew Mary for 20 years. She was a very nice lady and was always very generous.
'We would always have a good chat while I ferried her around. One day she said to me 'when I pass on I'll look after you'.
'I took it with a pinch of salt at the time - I had no idea she was going to leave me a fortune.
'When I was told she had left everything to me I just couldn't believe it. We were sad to hear she had passed but thankful she had left us this money.
'We are very grateful for her generosity. In nearly 30 years as a cabbie, this is certainly the biggest tip I've ever had.'
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The pensioner or the cabbie?
britexpat, The answer is.. none of us.
how can u give if u dont have?
maybe 25 - 30 riyals
The question is ... How many of us would do the same ???
Someohow I feel sad for the poor old lady. Must have been a very lonely soul.
Very lucky guy...........
Good for him, but will the inland revenue tax him ?