My husband was fixing his CID clearance for QF.Does he need to f.up from CID himself or will QF do that?

By ktineguzman •
My husband was fixing his CID clearance to move to QF and gave the slip to claim it to QF. Does he need to follow up from CID himself or will QF do that for him? Help please.
No need to follow up.
company mandoop / Pro will get the report from CID after 2 weeks. that is the normal time frame they take ( if he has provided all the necessary docs along with that) (it took 2 weeks for me few months ago in march! )
i dont think CID will give any update on the status to the person who has applied.
Ps followup with QF Mandoop / PRO or the HR dept after 2 weeks - they will be able to update u - whether they recd from CID or not.