Need used good quality household items

By ktineguzman •
Hi everyone. We need to buy some household items by July 1 such as the following:
Front loading washing machine
Fridge single door
Queen size bed, 4 door cabinet, dresser that matches one another
sofa/sofabed (leather white or beige or light brown)
For appliances, we would like branded ones.
Please leave me messages or email me at [email protected] of your contact numbers, photo of the item, and price so that we may contact you by July 1. Thanks!
ktineguzman the place to post your question should be in the classifieds, in the for sale/wanted category.
Or for you to check the Items for sale since from time to time there is people selling stuff (mainly since they are leaving the country) and sometimes you could get a good deal.
Once again go for the classifieds