Is a kiss worth jail + 90 ;ashes?

Fri, Jun 11 04:03 PM
They know it is banned, yet they still don't let that fact cut any ice with their love life, or passions!
A Saudi court has convicted a man and sentenced him to four months in prison and 90 lashes for kissing a woman in a mall.
The government-owned daily Al-Yom reported on Thursday that Saudi religious police arrested the man and two women after they were seen on mall cameras "engaging in immoral movements in front of other shoppers."
The report says the man, who is in his 20s, was seen with a woman "sitting on one of the chairs, exchanging kisses and hugs." It's unclear what the other woman was doing.
The kingdom enforces a strict interpretation of Islam, which bans unrelated men and women from mingling.
The paper says the man is to receive three batches of lashes and is banned from malls for two years. The women will be tried in another court.
happened between nationalities that don't know the laws of the land....
No where in the article does it give the nationalities of the people involved... so why can it not be assumed these might be locals... who also know the rules, but are known to ignore them too...
In my experience... when they don't mention nationalities, its because it probably was local... or they'd be quick to be smearing the nationalities of the sordid west around... shouting "see, they cannot abide by our laws"
Kbaisi... I have been following your posts.... you are normally level headed not so harsh... can I assume you were being sarcastic? If not, your response has shocked me!
You know i don't give a rats behind what people do behind closed doors. but when it's done in public i have a a problem with it.
if these two love birds wanted to smooch then they should have done it in private. not for families to see in public. they know it what the punishment is for zina in saudia. and they knew what the consequences of their actions were going to be. so i have 0 sympathy for them.
they should have been charge with stupidity as well for doing something like in the saudi public.
You are right, some are so predictable, including me, but guess what? the same rule applies to the other side as well. As britexpat stated some of their laws are strict and better than those liberal.
if you punch each other its ok...
thats better for you.
The story tells.. "One man and two woman" - "Kissing"...
I bet its just a kiss of greetings or they are just bidding their goodbye's(cheek to cheek), and not an act of malicious kissing... Nobody in their sane mind will make such torid kissing in public. Those guys must be relatives or friends...
I live in Saudi long enough to see the cruelty these religious police can cause you, they have a dirty engrossed mind, exageratting everything they see in you! One simple wrong move and you're a criminal!
Poor guys, harsh punishment... wrong time, wrong place.
I agree. However they are their laws....
To be honest, I would rather have some of the Saudi Laws then those liberal, namby type punishments we have here in the UK..
everywhere targeted ppl are common civilians, so they must be treated equally, regardless of their skins.
Killing thousands of innocent civilians is not a crime, u need only a bunch of stupid who can stand by you.
Rape is Rape is Rape..
Saudi has very strict laws and harsh punishments. This is one reason, I could leave my house doors unlocked and car running without worrying about theft.
Raping a woman in KSA is not a crime. She needs 4 witnesses. If you just do it alone, you're fine.
since when is kissing considered a "hideous crime"? i thought maybe killing someone then chopping up the body into bits & pieces & scattering them all over the city...or raping helpless minors...i would have thought those are HIDEOUS CRIMES. so "kissing in public" is now also considered hideous??? yeah...this dude must be really dangerous...same league as "serial killers & rapists".
It's a bit hard to respect the local culture when you see a number of locals not respecting it
There are so many interpretations. Bottom Line, if your in another country. You only have to Respect its Culture and Laws. If you do, pretty sure you'll never get into trouble
I was only one month in Riyadh, and believe me, I was never as drunk as there. Beuatiful Saudi hosts.
in many other cultures kissing on the cheeks is an acceptable way of greeting an acquaintance. Man to man or man to woman is acceptable in Russia. However if a man kisses another man on the cheek in the UK, that would be seen as strange. Traditions are different across the world and thank god for that!
In France they fine Muslim women covering their faces whilst driving for not conforming to the "rules". So I don't see why a European should be able to go against the "rules" without punishment in Saudi, HOWEVER... 90 lashes? WTF? are we living in 15th century?
kbaisi!what have Zionist pigs got to do with a peck on the cheek? don't see any logical connection. the guys have clearly fu**d up, and it is their fault only... and I hope I never get in trouble with the law here.
And PLEASE! do not mix RELIGION and local TRIBAL traditions too much. They are related but NOT interchangeable!
Have a good evening y'll.
they start anywhere
I lived in Saudi and believe me there was a much more lively scene "behind closed doors" than many Western countries :O)
i dont know why such people have no patience? why they start there sexual activities infront of others. what they really mean to show? why dont they go to some hotel or there own homes to f*** each others.. In my opinion such peoples are illeterate & they dont have respects to others...
& for those who says that its unfair,, i would like to say them that if you people want to enjoy such activities & dont want to live in KSA then plzz leave KSA.
I doubt it is a full blown kiss...maybe just a peck on the advise is to avoid living in KSA or any nation unable to tolerate physical contact. With due respect towards local customs.
Serves him right. He knew the rules and let his willy override his brain..
Either way can be argued, law of the land to be followed, secondly, punishment should not be so harsh.
You are right, millions have died in the name of religions and more have died in the name of atheism and secularism in China and Russia. Indecency is a relative term, exposing some flesh in the west 100 years ago wasn't acceptable, don't expect the whole world to follow a single framework.
They should have ripped out their hearts first and then hanged them.
I know of millions that have died on the name of religion while quoting their holy books but I know of no one who died because of the karma sutra
Guantanamo Bay, Abu Gharib, Bagram these are formed by civilized nations, having no human rights for prisoners.
There are many bills and laws in the "more civilised world" which punish indecent acts that are public susceptibilities and a nuisance, but aren't enforced.
Do not see the BAD
Do not hear the BAD
Do not speak BAD
Hail Mahatma the great
before you kiss someone in the public, you should shout at the top of you voice
eliashamzo is absolutely got the best comment Dude.. clearly without hurting the sensibility of our brothers and sisters who belong to other religion/culture..
To kiss or not,
If Yes, you can kiss but where ?
If Not,whynot ??
@ dotcom The later ottomans weren't saints either, they kept harems of concubines just as the Arabs imported eunuchs from Africa, so to pretend one had higher values than the other is ridiculous. The Ottomans were ruthless and historically always killed their own blood brothers just to ensure they inherited the throne, so I don't see them as a better alternative to the arab/muslim world.
The most important part .. is always to follow the country rules .
when people are not satisfied in the others rules . why from the begining they go there ..
thats why i dont go for work in KSA . even i got many offers ..
i am not with such actions . but guys you have to respect how others think no matter how uncivilised are .
Saudi police did the right thing only...and for those of my frnds who supported the kissing act..lemme ask u ...if a person splits on road in england or if a dog poop is left like that in US..will police take action...yes..just like tat if u guys dont know to behave according to the culture of the country u r in ..get ready for the punishment ...and sometimes accept the fact that all religions in the world are against premarital relations..
Saudi police did the right thing only...and for those of my frnds who supported the kissing act..lemme ask u ...if a person splits on road in england or if a dog poop is left like that in US..will police take action...yes..just like tat if u guys dont know to behave according to the culture of the country u r in ..get ready for the punishment ...and sometimes accept the fact that all religions in the world are against premarital relations.. Are you insinuating that I am a zionist pig??!?! How dare you! I encourage women to stay home and not even leave the house for sunlight!
@hamada. They wield too much power because historically they were the ones who supported Ibn Saud in his grand plan of uniting Arabia under the house of Saud. I doubt anything serious will be done to control those backward clowns.
He should have killed her after kissing her, the punishment would have been less I suppose
Need another police to check morality of moral police. Poor love birds......wrong place wrong time
Lately this morality police is making too many mistakes and have violated the basic human rights of many detainees, I won't be surprised a higher authority shuts this service. There is a growing criticism from the public against them.
Lately this moral police is making too many mistakes and have violated the basic human rights of many detainees, I won't be surprised a higher authority shuts this service. There is a growing criticism from the public against them.
do u encourage affection in public and unfaithfulness?
cannot hang them out in public with heads tied together because the kissing will only perpetuate the corruption of morals to the pleasure of the zionist pigs, we need moral police to take shifts and stand with pieces of cardboard to cover the obscenity lest it destroy the societal values. If this can be done, this will be a more suitable punishment.
Whoever wish to come to middle east should follow the strict rules and regulations of respective country...
Country law must be given priority upon one unfaithful desires.
just put the two together in a public place where the sun is at its peak, tie their head together while kissing and leave them there for three days! Lol!
Not enough, should have got public hanging
The Saudi religious 'leaders' are the most disgusting human breed on the planet. Second only to the Iranian mullahs. May they all burn in hell forever.
Devil's advocate
I condone their act, but kbaisi’s comments are even more shocking!! Someone needs to rub chilies in this persons foul mouth!
These guys are funny. I've never been harmed someone kissing and hugging...
Lol , the same moral police can chase you sometimes on the assumption that you are having an affair with someone who happens to be your wife/sister :)
These disgraceful and immoral people are a result of zionist occupation of palestine, I praise the modern saudi judiciary and their brave moral police for protecting us from these evil external vices. I think the lashes aren't enough, need to chop off their lips to make a statement to the public, this would be a more suitable punishment for such a hideous crime.