who do you envy?

I want to do a quick analysis on my diet program. I want your views on this. Who do you envy? One who is figure conscious, diets heavily but in shape or the one who eats to his appetite and taste but out of shape. When exercise is not in your capacity, diet is the only option to remain in shape (as per most peoples perception)...So what do you think?
moonblues actually I hate every human being.
By the way you should not drag the contents of one thread all across QL.
WK lost 4kgs hating MF Hussain, the KamaDeva.
lol WK :)
lol FS :P
Obese want to lose weight, skinny wants to gain.....no one is ever satisfied in what they are.....
WK....good shape is like your shape...:)
What is good shape :-P
im happy coz i have good shape.lol
Good things attract all :)
Actually I was inspired to post this because I dined with my Hyderabadi friends last weekend. The guys ate like kings; biryani, all that spicy stuff, sweets and what not, occasionally spreading their palm on their big tummies and farting freely while I was satisfied with a chapati, some grilled chicken and some salad. For a moment I envied these guys who could enjoy all those delicacies of Hyderabad(A gourmet's paradise) without any concern for weight. I am sure these guys do have moments of envy too when they see some athletic guy walking away with some chick..(I doubt they can ever experience it even if they are in shape! perhaps that prompts them to eat)...
Out of shape and happy with themselves ... Not worrying what others think..
I generally appreciate people(men/women)with gud height, best of health, well in shape and quiet figure conscious..
ok thanks WK I'll miss the first one...see the next
5:00 PM Doha time.
what time the first match?
Opening ceremony just finished, an hour to go for the game.
ok time to turn off the computer and turn on the TV..
lol wish I could
lets house swap WK..:)
Lost 4 kgs in last 15 days, I was planning to go the other way :(
On the way down.. 5 kg gone 10 to go..:)
No one....I am happy in what I am.