Why do people have extra-marital affairs?
The union, in marriage of two members of the opposite sex is a tradition that has been around since men were living in caves.(Not my cave!!!) So have extra-marital affairs.
Since almost the beginning of time, humans have believed that marriage was important in maintaining a cohesive, healthy society.
Another belief that was collectively held about marriage was the idea that the union was to be monogamous. Despite this belief, some human beings can't seem to live a monogamous lifestyle. Research has shown that affairs are as old as marriage itself.
Why do people have extra-marital affairs?
Some say that monogamous relationships are not natural. They believe human beings are not biologically inclined to mate for life. I say that for every person who has had an affair there is probably a reason to justify it, in their eyes. My opinion is that we set our expectations of what marriage is too high. When our expectations aren't met we look outside the marriage for someone who can meet them.
...yes,a good reason, eaglemmanuel!
I am bored right now! :P
"Why do people have extra-marital affairs?"
but i think extra-marital affair happens because of lack of communication for both parties...if you are no longer happy or your partner is not satisfying your needs---emotionally,sexually, etc. spend time discussing these things to save the marriage.
beause they are good in Martial Arts, tats why they have Marital affairs...i think so ? :(
Because its fun
They get bored easily, which leads to looking for something to get them busy.. Affairs should keep them busy and excited..
i'd still be a virgin if it wasn't for extra-marital affairs.
they just feel like it....
give them xtra for all they care
give them xtra for all they care
Keep your fangs to yourself.... She's taken..
...YES, there's a new sexy goat in the town! :)
After having many kids and after the annual shearing the Goatee is tired and in a terrible mood and doesn't want to satisfy the husband. So the husband flies to someone elses nest to spend the night!
Bottom line, this is not real
You all keep your thoughts stable,it's a false alarm.
hi shapil....
now the world is changed man....
look around. u can c people having sex with dog, horse etc...
sex with animal is common.
if u search in net, u will get lots of movies also....
i dont have time to buy condoms 4 them, if u have enough time, u can...
long back....
sex was a holy thing.
now a days most of them lose there virginity during their teen age.
i was not telling that v must b like animals who do sex with who ever they get...
i just told that everything changed...
i just told u what happening around us....
each and every one is different man..
i told u my view.
4 me, i am willing to do sex with who ever interested in me. only thing is... it must b safe and healthy...
thats all...
Shyam..Lets give condoms to animals also...if our acts have to be like them then why not our methods also.
Yes.. Safe sex is the way to go..
emm u r right..
now a day lots of such affair happens all around us.....
and i think....
sex from a wife depends on love towards her from her hus...
and as u know men are always ready for sex any time...
so what happens is men may not get sex when he really wants it.
and affairs occur just bcoz of the need 4 sex.
there love doesnt matter.
as u know every one need sex 4 a normal living.
and some times v wait a long period for it...
when such men and women meet, they do sex and enjoy it...
and it continues....
i think married men are more interested in sex than others.
its bcoz they already experience the pleasure of it...
so cant live without it..
as far as i am concerned. i am always ready to have safe sex..
you never fail to make me laugh edifis ;)
Waka Waka Wacky!
hi drac! ;) i missed you too... :))
If Satan have sex with the Angel what will the baby become?
May be Satangel!
wacky..miss ya,baby! :)
because they're bored out of their wits ;)
Now a days there is competition between Husband and wife, Because wife is more educated than Husband. Wife earns and challenge Husband. There will be no understanding in private lifes,that leads to unsatisfy with sexual life. And the law in most of the countries favour women,women can malign false to truth, truth to false. So Man wants someone who can care him and satisfy him. If the wife is fully satisfied to husband whether she is earning or not, then the men dont look far girl friend.
May wake up in bed not knowing you had extra-marital affairs with the same sex. LOL
Yeah...on a king size bed with your queen(s)
Live life King Size!
..extra bonus? :P
variety is the sauce of life...sex included.
Drac I am not married so easy for me to avoid extra marital affairs :))
Me too: I didn't do it!
And I'll not do it again! :P
I have never had any extra marital affair and I never will :)
In this case why dont we ask our women to do the same to us instead of looking out for others you can be more pleasured within the right relationship, unless you can't give what she wants lol
yeah..let's us blame the women! :P
It's all the fault of those women with their bumpy bits, high heels and alluring scent....
How do you figure that more time spent with the same person will prevent driving one to cheat?
Both will be enjoyed have plenty of babies, both will work hard, avoid evil thinkings, socially good with their neighbours, society will be improved, every body like the culture. avoids female exploitations, bikini people won't get enough money, most of the people think positively.
I believe it has to do with tighness of vagina and the size when Mr. Penus takes over before the logic of the consequences.
Dracy, how if
they serve you the same steak for all 3 meals,365 days,till you die? ;)
khwaga: what we hear are normally stories. Anything real and specifically Real Love needs to be experienced. Nowadays its Hate that is publicised and Love is on the sidelines. No wonder we dont even hear stories about it anymore.
Its reallly really very rare ...there are many who boast about it ..but in reality the story is diff ...
shapil: how often do we hear of a love that lasts for a lifetime? I'm talking real life, not stories.
If Love can be FOR LIFE...then why not marriages. I have seen many marriages for life but i am not sure if there was any "extra" stuff amongst them.
flan: you wouldn't be faithful to a goat?
didn't a man marry a goat?
can't blame him for straying.
Gudone.. u edited ?? just like i did before...hehe
i believe it is just because as it has been mentioned, "human beings are not biologically inclined to mate for life. For LIFE is very important. Marriage is a union of two, which among other reasons, is created to achieve certain goals. So while these goals are common and are shared by both partners, everything is going smooth. Once they start having different goals, different directions to go, once they reach different level of personal development, they already don't match each other. It is known that once a 7-8 years every person goes through personal re-estimation of him/herself. it is also known that critical ‚"age" for marriage is 7-8 years, and most of divorces happen after 7-8 years of marriage. I would call it biological cycle. That's why in the west early marriages are not popular. Here is the example. The guy is 23 years old, and has graduated from the college, and got a sales position in the shop, hoping to become a shop manager very soon. The girl is 19 and has just finished high school. They fall in love, and get married. At that time the guy is on the higher social level than a girl, as he already earns money, and is planning to be promoted soon. Later, the girl turned to be ambitious and career oriented. In a next 7 years she did her Bachelor, and then her Masters degree, and got high post in the large firm. The guy hasn't got promoted, as it has been expected, and is still occupying the same position of sales person in the local little shop around the corner. She jumped into the high corporate environment, she started having new friends, she is making more money than her husband, she is getting attention of men of higher level, than her husband, who by the time got depressed. Their lives clearly took different paths. In 7 years they found themselves on a different social levels, with different frineds, with different priorities and plans for the future. Most likely it will lead to the affairs in the first place, and most likely the GUY is the one who will look for some other woman, who is more attentive and more understanding.. the girl also might get into the affair, for the reason mentioned earlier: now she attracts the guys from the higher class ..so now it's a time to change the partners.. for the next cycle..
this is just a sample, scenario could be very different, but the idea is the same: every 7-8 years the person re-evaluate his/her life and gets re-evaluated by others.. and very often at that time all previous connections/relations get broken and the new ones are established..
Human being is still inclined to mate, but NOT for a life.. There are still couples who could overcome these "biological crises".. but to be honest, i am convinced that they had to compromize a lot of stuff.. either both of the partners, or at least one of them.
Only very very few couples who naturally could live together in complete harmony ALL LIFE..
@ Gudone..... what kind of Food ? :P
i hav edited above
if v r pure... v also expect pure in return... in olden days scarcity of fud causes ppl to relocate 2 othr region 4 fud...
so scarcity of love & care causes???? may b....
To relocate to another region...
Greed ... yeah.. I'm greedy. I want my dahlink only for myself, no sharing bisnes.
If you don't use it, You're gonna lose it!
The worst thing in human is being greedy, wants everything for him/herself, don't mind for others, just what I want only me me no one else worth the sacrifice all gotta sacrifice their life to me; that what a greedy person would keep on saying to him/herself, now the question is, which sex do the cheating more and why, can we be freaking sincere with ourselves and say the truth and why do we think so???????
Edifis...do u mean all 5's ;)
Just for the simple pleasure of satisfying an urge.
For some it's sweets or Ice cream.
It's just the animal instincts in all of us.
Marriage is meerely a document to make society accept the union.
Try walking on all 4's for a start.
I want to be an animal.
Extra Meritial Affairs shows how Allah created human & how that human converted him/her self to an Animal, Because only animals are free to have any many intimate partners as they want.
"My opinion is that we set our expectations of what marriage is too high. When our expectations aren't met we look outside the marriage for someone who can meet them."
When our expectations are not met, we should look within and adapt. Grass always looks greener on the other side - until you get to the other side...
But achelly aitelyu .. variety is da spice of life!! :0)
They want a change.... ;)
:)plz can u put ITCH at 3rd or 4th place
we seek lust, lust seek variety, variety seek affair, affair seek pleasure, pleasure seek consistency,
we cant be consistent we start with step one again
....after all He said ..."Go ahead fornicate and multiply"...
LP is right. Horses and sheeps don't marry.
good point
If marriage was 'natural' there would be no reason to enforce it with laws or religion. It is an invention of society for several reasons and it works against the nature of humans.
Its better off being gay....only gay people are willing to share their love...lol
knock-out: jackye!
Not sharing my expectations with strangers make me sensible person not selfish I think :-)
drmana ....because you dont want to share :P
jack, me....selfish...why???
because people believe that their other half is not watching them and would never know...and if he/she does not know then he/she wont mind it or feel hurt...so if nobody is hurt then why dont i make extra human being feel special and sex from a different angle and friction wont hurt. It comes down to character..what u do when ur mr/mrs is not watching you.
Khattak, Kids are better off with single parent than with two strangers living together.
Jack, my hubby knows what my expectations are. I don't need to tell anyone else about it :-)
If one is not happy in the marriage, end the marriage first before searching for love/companion or anything elsewhere. Nothing can justify cheating when committed to someone.
drmana...are you selfish?
right Jack!
edifis...yeah...we have to look after:
1. the neglected...
2. The ones whos expectation have not been met
3. The ones with itch.
4. The ones done in by Alcohol
5. The ones without opportunity
6. The ones with opportunity
7. The ones who are habitual
8. The ones looking for variety
...surely its no easy task.....
edi...You Are A Genius. :D
One who will have an extramarital affair will be blessed in his afterlife, because he is loving more than 1 person. One who is capable of loving more person will be paid back in kind in his after life. Those who can't share love are selfish.
Dracula...this one is real....this one is worth it ;)...I will wait...not like the QLer"sun" that set prematurely...lol
Arghhh Drac... Kids are not the cause of extra marital affairs...but can be the reason for not ending the relationship before starting new one.
Dont forget, mate..the Queue is near "Job Offers" section right now! :)
drmana ...whats your expectation?....tell me ...tell me
drmana... maybe because of kids.
Geez...Jackye...I am safe and our secret too! :P
ok.....got it:-)
I would agree to "When our expectations aren't met we look outside the marriage for someone who can meet them". But then, why not end the marriage first then look for someone else.
Yeah Flan I agree...I am an easy target when I am drunk....I even forget what happened....and with whom....
do I have a REAL 16 legged dog? :P
what else? :)
Good old fashioned stoning to death..... Can't argue against that logic.
Dracula, what prompted you to post this? Real life experience??
I think having physical relationships with different people before marriage also adds to it. Like... habit of changing tastes.
i blame the alcohol.
Extramarital sex was previously illegal in Christian countries too, but the laws are not usually enforced. It is still seen as a cultural taboo in many countries.
The Torah prescribes the death penalty through stoning for adultery, which is defined as having sex with a woman, who is married to another man.
Extramarital sex is considered to be immoral in many Christian denominations, who point to passages like 1 Corinthians 6:9–10:
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God."
"since men were living in caves"...there was no one religion in that time!
...Scratching it's an opportunity? :P
they don't fear ALLAH and the Rule of Law.
Imagine a society with freedom of extramarital affairs.
will you care to marry, or raise a family afterall ?
Islamic law prescribes punishments for Muslim men and women for extramarital affair.
Islamic law considers this prohibition to be for the protection of men and women and for the respect of marriage. Zéna is considered one of the great sins in Islam.
Islamic law prescribes stoning as the punishment for adultery committed by a married person, while the punishment for an unmarried adulterer is eighty lashes .
Itch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Itch (Latin: pruritus) is an unpleasant sensation that causes the desire or reflex to scratch.
it is called Itch.....XD
Define: "opportunity"
All they need is an opportunity
The answer is 100% correct!
Take a biscuit, now :)
Because they want something extraa.