LG Beats Sony for in Global LCD TV Market

LG Beats Sony for No.2 in Global LCD TV Market LG Electronics took second place in sales in the global LCD TV market in the first quarter, overtaking Sony for the first time.
Market researcher DisplaySearch said Tuesday that LG posted US$2.86 million in LCD TV sales in the quarter, taking a 13.2 percent share of the market and outpacing Sony with $2.45 million and an 11.3-percent share.
In the fourth quarter of last year LG ranked third with sales of $2.99 million and a share of 11.4 percent, trailing Sony with $3.68 million and 14.1 percent.
LG attributed the achievement to an increased proportion of premium TVs in its product line.
It also widened the gap with the Japanese firm in terms of sales volume. LG sold 9.04 million TV sets in the first quarter, grabbing 16.5 percent of the market, 9.7 points more than Sony which sold 3.71 million sets. In the previous quarter LG took a 14.4 percent share of the market compared to Sony's 8.1 percent.
Meanwhile, Samsung Electronics, the world's top TV maker, saw its share by sales fall to 21.6 percent in the first quarter from 23.8 percent a quarter earlier. The drop is due to rising competition in the premium LED TV segment where Samsung used to be the sole player.
::Link:: http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2010/05/26/2010052600797.html
***I've always been Sony & Samsung Fan as far as LCDs were concerned...what would you go for?***
yeah vic, that's true...
Weight on the pocket differ MJ
LG is lightest....Sony is Heaviest
LG, Sony, Samsung, Philips, etc.. what's the difference, they're all decent brands anyway...
almazgem maybe it was because he gets higher commission for selling LG ;-)
we were planning to buy new LCD and were confused between Sony & LG bcos of the picture quality then the showroom salesman told us that other than sony everyone uses enhancers which looks good in the showroom but doesnt give same results at home. I must say he was a real salesman...giving correct information to the customers.
Undoubtedly, Sony is making huge profits and targets Elite customers........
Even we were using Sony products like brand crazy but recently all replaced by LG and Samsung!
noms I actually bought Philips LCD, see my first post. They don't sell much here but I trust only Philips for Quality though they are priced similarly to Sony.
WK: r u working with 51 east / modern home / darwish holdings / Sony - Middle East / Sony Japan ?? :P :P
90% electronics in my living room comes from Sony brand,,& i'v been trusting it since my teenage i can say. The only point where i would raise my hands for Samsung LED TVs is when it comes to picture sharpness..however, this dosen't indicate the durability of the product....iam sure Sony LEDs would beat Samsung when it comes to reliability & consistency.
noms Sony is not intended for everyone. They have to keep the prices high to maintain their brand image of a premium product. Samsung is just selling at a lower price so have more volume, Sony has more margins, It's the management call as to what they want to achieve. I don't see how Samsung beat Sony with these figures. Sony can't cut price to Samsung level as that loses them the brand image that they have spent decades creating. In quality Samsung isn't even close to beating them anyway.
Pricing factor do work globally....
BUT Sony is SONY ;)
WK: you can't go with both beliefs here,,its well known Samsung LEDs beat Sony LEDs. if Samsung copied it from Sony, they obviously did a better job & offering for lower price.
business competition! And it's good for consumers like us!
Copied is never better than original noms, it's just cheaper.
the built quality of SONY is no doubt better than SAMSUNG or LG but the price is the real issue it is much costlier than its competitors thats why people go for other alternative like SAMSUNG as SAMSUNG is the second best
WK: & copied is better than original. lolx
even nowadays LG A/CS are even assembled in india escpecially the piston ones but work like hell good one
Sony was the first one to incorporate LED technology by the way. Samsung just copied.
Samsung LED Technology is killing sharp.. awesome!
LG = Korea Parts - Assembled in Korea
Sony = Japan Parts - Assembled in Malaysia.
i m a SONY fan but i have used SAMSUNG LG electronics and they are pretty nice works smoothly without any hassels
LG and SONY ? come on, I wouldnt compare
indian made TV = Onida ??
is it good?
and I am using a Samsung LCD now. ButI also have an Indian-made TV as my first TV here!
btw gadarene,,its not a big difference between LG & Sony/Samsung LCD prices.
have you ever touched LG TV panels & compared it with Samsung & Sony? seems LG got a better one...samsung panels got lot of fluid.
gadarene: I never meant LG is superior to Sony / Samsung..but just wanted to know how many QLers support LG & addup to its sales win?!
hurray, party time for me coz i have LG LCD at home..
and China-made electronics. Japanese-made is already scarse!
Nothing to beat the Samsung LED TV's they are just freaking awejawdroppingsome!
none is better than sony, specially its blue-ray tech...
quantity DOES NOT equal quality mate...basically the report says LG sold more LCD's than Sony,that doesn't make it better than Sony,it only means LG is cheaper than Sony & cheaper is almost always never better now is it?...so Sony costs more but for a reason...it's better...
Philips LCDs, That's what I have at home.
Samsung is the best.