Please participate in my Graduation Research

Dear all;
I would like to invite you to participate in a research study aimed at fulfilling the requirement of an MBA at Qatar University.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the Adoption of Social Media tools and technologies (Such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, forums, YouTube..etc) by Businesses in Qatar and what are the factors that determine the adoption rate.
This questionnaire is designed for easy completion and we expect that completing it will not require more than 5 minutes. The results for this questionnaire can be made available upon request.
Please click on this link to fill the survey questionnaire:
Thank you for your participation in this study and your assistance is highly appreciated!
Have a great day!
Can you tell me how do you intend to analyse this data?
@whyteknight thank you so much for answring but can you please tell me why it is not right. In fact I have built it using Roger's Difusion of Innovation Theory (1983, 1995 and 2003) and I used teh factors affecting teh innovation adoption considering social media as a technological innovation. In addition to that I built the items under each construct from previous litrature about related subjects that used teh same methodollogy to do this. So can you elaborate ....
Done but this is incorrect methodology.
Muito Obrigado Alumnar... you are far too kind!
Done :)
Thank you alot Khawaga it is highly appreciated!