Gangraped UAE woman charged- 'illegal sex'

RAPED CHARGED: UAE authorities have charged an 18 year old Emirati woman with having extra marital sex after she was gang raped by six men, who are also facing rape charges. (Getty Images)
An 18 year old woman from the UAE has been charged with having extra marital sex after reporting a gang rape by six men, government owned The National newspaper reported.
The woman, who went for a car ride with a male friend May 2 in the UAE capital Abu Dhabi, accuses him and five other men of raping her, said the daily, which is owned by the Abu Dhabi government.
Prosecutors say the woman first had consensual sex with her friend, the paper reported, citing testimony yesterday at the Abu Dhabi Criminal Court.
UAE authorities have charged her with violating the Islamic prohibition on sexual relations between unmarried men and women, The National said. The six men are on trial for rape. The raped woman is being held in custody, the paper said.
A woman who was gang raped in Saudi Arabia in 2006 by seven men was sentenced to 200 lashes and six months in jail for breaching privacy laws by meeting with an unrelated man.
In February, a British tourist dropped allegations that she was raped by an employee of a luxury hotel in Dubai in order to avoid prison and return home, The Sun newspaper reported.
The 23 year old, of Pakistani origin, signed a paper withdrawing the claim in return for the police dropping charges of unlawful extramarital sex and illegal alcohol consumption against her and her 44 year old fiancée, the UK daily said.
The woman spent two days in jail after reporting the rape on New Year’s Day.
Too many similar cases have been reported in the recent past. Earlier it was of the expatriates or visitors who were charged with illegal sex after being raped.
This time apparently is a local Emirati woman.
So at least they are consistent in application of inhumane perceptions of religious laws.
Why don't they make rape legal so that it save more humiliation and trauma for the victim??
They should also punish her parents, for they were the ones who had intercourse, which then led to them having a child, a female child that went on to commit this horrific crime. If I was the judge I would also consider punishing her parent's parents, and those who arranged their marriage. Now that would be more fair and just.
obviously she was asking for it :(
ntasa it is very upsetting and confusing. I don't profess to be a scholar of Islam but as a Muslim and a human I feel quite annoyed that some of the interpretations of the glorious teachings are deliberately misconstrued and applied as per convenience.
Women have such an exalted status in Islam but not given that position of society today. Please read that last sentence as an frustrated outburst.
One part of the report says she had consensual sex with one and then got raped by others. Does not make too much sense.
I am upset too.
but this notion " a girl got raped, is being held for having illegal relationship " .. is quite confusing.
let's be clear, i've all my sympathies with the poor girl who's the victim here. She might have got trapped by her very own trusted fellows.
I'm not prosecutor or lawyer and I agree we must not be judgemental here, but tell me who in the whole GCC in his/ wildest dreams can even imagine to hit on a LOCAL Woman (unless otherwise).
your answer should lead you to some conclusion atleast. The states we all live in and love to live has rules.
Islamic rules, and laws are meant to followed.
you like it or not.
-having illicit relationship
equally crimes against the very fabric of our society, there are severe punishment for both in ISLAM.
there should be no mercy, whether local or expat.
Let's not try to demean islamic laws here so as make those happy, waiting to write in between lines what they think the middle east should become "A Free Society".
anyone who's OKAYing one, while condemning other must re-evaluate his thoughts and belief. Let's not be hypocrites.
I can have a talk about rights of women in Islam, and how the West see it with its double standards. but this is not the point here.
yes.. Girls, always be careful of going out with friends specially guys.. they will get you drunk and rape.
this will save our Islamic environment.
Why don't they make rape legal so that it save more humiliation and trauma for the victim??
What a slutty mentality YUCK
Dubailiving or Lol!!!
Rare cases in which there was publicity or else it is all hushed up or paid off WK. I have seen a few locals getting away with some sordid things while I was in Dubai some time ago.
No Mehnis locals do get punished. When I was in Dubai, two local men were charged and sentenced for sodomizing a Nepalese boy.
Yes you are right s-isale. Because sometimes the real story is not brought out in translations. What struck me as something different was that this victim was a local Emirati and it is not often a local of any country is really charged and punished. That is the reason I posted this for information. Not to sensationalize the already discussed issue.
one needs to read the arabic newspapers to get the exact scenario. Not some half translated works.
ntasa you are very well aware that application of laws are different everywhere in the ME with regard to the locals and to the expats. That is why I said that atleast they are consistent in the application of this perceived law for victims of both expats and local origin.
The last sentence I wrote in anger and frustration that such incorrect interpretation of Islamic laws are being applied in such a inhumane manner.
ntasa how did you conclude that she was having an extra-marital affair???
Prosecutors say she had consensual sex with one man. This is what the prosecutors said, I didn't know that lawyers tell only the truth.
Nobody is bashing Islam here, a woman who got raped is being held for illegal sex. That is the thing which is upsetting.
Is anyone really surprised by any of this anymore? Women are second class (or worse) citizens in the Middle East. Camels are treated better.
Logic and law of this land is beyond me. It is basically based on this philosophy 'might is right' or Kharbooza chakoo pe gire ya chakoo kharbooze pe, natija wohi hota hai. Be careful if you are kharbooza, as lots of knives hanging around.
"They are consistent in application of inhumane perceptions of religious laws."
Why don't they make rape legal so that it save more humiliation and trauma for the victim??
I am not comfortable with the tone of the conclusion. what's the point here? is it another attempt to ridicule ISLAMIC LAWS, which unfortunately many muslims too look down upon.
With my sympathy's to that poort girl, is she being victimised because of having illict relationship or because of being raped?
the muslim laws, focus on extra-marital affairs, ofcourse that lead her later to such unfortunate situation.
the west, only focusing rape (which is bad), while overlooking extra-marital affairs (which is right for any adult)
let's be clear. We are Against, Both heinous crimes.
The one who settle for extra-marital affairs, demean her womanhood, her family, her reputation and her very own self (same applies to man as well). imagine a society with such infidels around.
and regarding RAPE< we all know this is worst of sins, and there's severe punishement for rape in ISLAM.
so, what;s the point behing these lines from a mind full of filth .. against islam
"They are consistent in application of inhumane perceptions of religious laws."
Why don't they make rape legal so that it save more humiliation and trauma for the victim??
Lets law of the land run its course.
Both gender are equally responsible for modesty, chastity and be diligent.
I think they apply the law with the sequence of events that led to the crime. Since a girl alone with the boy is the first step and not allowed as per law that seems to be considered as something which ultimately led to crime and with restrictions weighed against women she is on the receiving end.
Be careful about being a woman in ME sun26872
Be careful about bringing up your daughters in ME,
Qatif girl rape case
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to:navigation, search
The "Qatif Girl" Rape Case (Arabic: قضية اغتصاب فتاة القطيف) is a much-publicized gang-rape case. The victim was a teenage girl from Qatif, (Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia), who, along with her male companion, was kidnapped and gang-raped by seven Saudi men in mid 2006. A Saudi Sharia court sentenced the perpetrators to varying sentences involving 80 to 1,000 lashes and imprisonment up to ten years for four of them. The court also sentenced the two victims to six months in prison and 90 lashes each for "being alone with a man who is not a relative" in a parked car. On appeal, the appeals court doubled the victims' sentences in late 2007 as punishment for the heavy media coverage of the event in the international press regarding the treatment of women in the KSA and Saudi judicial practices. In December 2007 the Saudi King Abdullah issued an official pardon for the two victims, citing his ultimate authority to revise "discretionary" punishments in accordance with the public good although the pardon did not reflect any lack of confidence in the Saudi justice system or in the fairness of the verdicts.
Well that is the idea behind it all WK. If something happens to you then it is your fault because you were not supposed to be there in the first place.
Flor, It doesn't matter what we think.....that is what is happening everywhere.
It is her fault that she got raped. Let's hope they give her a public hanging for getting raped so that all the women get the message and stay home under lock and key.
that is a gross misconception!
The biggest sin women commits is being born as a female. She is punished whole her life for that :-(