Sex to make babies will become redundant?

Sex will not be used to have babies in just 10 years, as couples turn to IVF
By Daniel Martin
Last updated at 1:33 AM on 17th May 2010
Couples will stop having sex to conceive babies within a decade and use IVF instead, scientists said yesterday.
They say 30-somethings will increasingly rely on artificial methods of fertilisation because natural human reproduction is 'fairly inefficient'.
It means that in future, sex will be nothing more than a leisure activity - the latest blow to the Christian idea that the role of sex is to produce children.
Dying art: IVF could become better than sex for making babies
If the experts are right, it means the sci-fi world of books such as Brave New World, in which all children are born in 'hatcheries', could soon be closer to reality.
And it raises ethical questions over whether greater use of IVF will lead to eugenics, with couples screening out characteristics they regard as undesirable.
The startling vision of the future comes from John Yovich, a veterinary doctor from Murdoch University in Perth, Australia.
He believes IVF can ease the pressure on couples who have delayed having children to pursue a career, because going for the test-tube option will be more effective than trying for a baby naturally.
Even young adults have no more than a one-in-four chance every month of reproducing through sex. Among the over-35s, this falls to one in ten.
This compares to the near 100 per cent success rate that Dr Yovich believes will be possible with IVF within ten years.
Dr Yovich, co-author of a new report in the journal Reproductive BioMedicine, said: 'Natural human reproduction is at best a fairly inefficient process.
'Within the next five to ten years, couples approaching 40 will assess the IVF industry first when they want to have a baby.' He based his hunch on the fact that in cattle, IVF works almost every time. He said there was no reason that success rate could not be replicated in humans.
His co-author, fellow Australian vet Gabor Vajta, said test-tube embryo production in cattle was 100 times more efficient than natural means. He said there was no reason why IVF in humans should not become 100 times more efficient than sex.
At present, IVF has only a 50 per cent success rate - among the most healthy couples.
Gedis Grudzinskas, a Harley Street infertility specialist, said: 'It wouldn't surprise me if IVF does become significantly more efficient than natural reproduction, but I doubt whether you could ever completely guarantee that it would work.'
In Aldous Huxley's 1932 novel Brave New World, human reproduction has been done away with and is replaced by a hatching process, in which groups of identical children are produced from surgically-removed ovaries and incubated in bottles.
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Visper dont do it this way....DONT
IVF is good for people who could not get pregnency by natural way because of many ???.
But the natural way of having pregnency,will enlighten the Pleasure one had for some time will result in such a pinfull while carrying and delivering,people with natural way will enjoy more than IVF.
Doctors who did IVF for octomom were being investigated for as to why they did but there is no news of the result of investigation. It was pure misuse of treatment which also put her life at risk. No doc would allow anyone to go ahead with pregnancy of 8 babies at once. They would definitely opt for selective termination which they didn't in this case. Looks like all of them were more interested in publicity.
How would a jobless female take care of her such a large family? Will those children get proper upbringing?
2? I thought Octomom already had 6 kids then she had 8.
Even in India and China - there are many so called 'test tube' babies. What not many people know is that the rate of fertility in men & women worldwide is going down due to increased socio-economic pressures and other environmental factors including pollution, bad eating habits & so on.
IVF has and will continue to be a real alternative for those who are unable to reproduce in natural forms - that doesn't mean couples will stop having sex!
IVF should be only for people with no babies, not like The Octomom case. Why did doctors go for IVF in her when she already had 2 children and then allowed her to continue with 8 babies?
This is misusing the technique.
In my opinion, Natural way would always be preferred if possible.
in your title. That's what bothers a lot! Maybe a better title would be " the natural and unnatural ways of making babies". Or "Unnatural ways is over....... the natural ways". Lol!
I'am just trying to show off on your thread. Hope you had a nice time. Over and out!
I don't see how this is reducing the importance of a gender FU. You still need sperm and an egg.
Not at all. MCP?? Actually you are making yourself more 'desirable' and more qualified to be kidnapped and carried away by a bunch of women. Well what could happen is that FU will be caged and all the 'ingredients' tapped at will!!!!!!
Then I'll be able to take on my opponents without much 'physical contact'. That will make me a better specimen. :)
People develop technologies to make life easier but this one seems to be aimed at reducing the importance of a gender. Mehnis,do I sound like MCP now? lol
There they had full physical contact.
But I don't see any reason why this technique cannot become common?
FU mass production of semen may not be possible. No one can replicate the natural body elements. Look at blood. Nobody has been successful in reproducing the exact replica though there is artificial plasma available.
Maybe men will be chosen as per their genetic qualities as well as physical looks and prowess and kept in a zoo. Then women probably will have a look around at all the specimens there and chose whose semen they would like.
Hey FU. Start living down buddy and be careful. You look to be the most appetizing specimen for this purpose
wherein lovemaking is no physical contact at all. I won't live in such a condition!
I'm in favor of it for couples who have trouble getting pregnant, as many do. If I have problems and I can afford it, then sure I would do it. But I'd try the natural way first.
and we might see a female dominated planet. The semen will be mass produced using the natural semen of today as the base and will be distributed free by the female dominated government. Slowly men will be found only in zoo.
corresponding pros and cons! Hope the pros will be much acceptable.
Personally. Olive,are you in favor of it, you just got married, will you go for it?
We have had IVF and Test tube baby methods for quite a long time now. The first test tube baby was I reckon almost 20 years ago but then how many do use this method even now?? Hardly negligible. Let's see what happens. It will be interesting to see if the mindset of people change and this is widely accepted which I seriously doubt.
It has been used for awhile, but I think it's becoming cheaper. There's also a high chance of multiple births with IVF, so if it does become more common that will be interesting.
Yes true.. I was just thinking of something else --a bit far ahead--;) . But this is not a new technique. This is being done already in some places. Maybe they just perfected it!!
They'll still carry the child Mehnis. In IVF the egg is fertilized outside the womb and then placed in the womb.
This will be useful for people who cannot have babies the natural way because of age or other issues. The headline is just a hype to catch the eye.
The best age for having babies is said to be between 22 and 29 to women but with most delaying marriage and then putting off having babies because of career related issues it becomes difficult to have children as they become 'elder primates'
Also the fad of the made to order for everything is there.
But who can replace the joys of motherhood?? 99% crave for it. I don't thing they would go for this if they are able to bear children.
still go for the natural method in having babies... nature gave us those organs for a purpose.... go enjoy it and reproduce ... why would you waste it? duh! Jajjaja!
LOL, it's ok WK, I figured that's how most people know what I look like. Gotta love facebook :)
another thing (delay as in monthly delay)! Lol!!!
Oh yes congratulations and you look gorgeous in your FB profile pic.
And NO I am not cyber stalking you, blame my FB friends who commented on that pic and I got a notification :P
Thanks Dot.Com :)
exactly, particularly in Asia.
flor...I think more delyas should actually mean less babies...:)
i forgot to congrats u on your wedding.
u were looking cool.
It will never gain acceptance in the most productive child producing nation.
more babies!
For now I think I'll stick to the natural method ;)
with the frequency of financial woes hitting the world...may be it may get delayed a bit more. ...:)
In Vitro Fertilization
btw, will u wait for IVF, or will go for the natural phenomena :P
In vetro fertilization (spelling?)
what is IVF?