Who was really the idiot?

Recently in Class 10 of one of the Indian schools in Doha, a Maths teacher asked her students if they knew the meaning of 'reciprocal.' One bright student said, 'Ulta pulta,' meaning 'topsy turvy.' The teacher was very much annoyed and refused to teach for the rest of the lesson.
If you have seen the film, 'Three Idiots,' there was a smilar situation. The student was thrown out of class for giving a definition which was not in the text book. He went on to become a world renowned scientist and inventor.
Apparently the maths teacher, who is an elderly lady, has not seen this film as yet.
What are your views on the subject?
My teachers punished me for being over-smart :(
You are not smarter than the writers who wrote your books, I was constantly told :(
P.S.- If you are taking an Indian movie as a reference then it should be posted in the Indians group.
Now a days Teacher do not like to teach students like before.
Einstein was told by his math teacher:" You will never make it."
Who was the idiot?
Isn't it Dostoyevsky?
And why is this posted in Politics/Culture?
Is what the teacher did a political or cultural statement?
It’s all depends upon the classroom situation...if a lesson is running smoothly with some wittiness in it , it's encouraging, but if the lesson turns into a joke itself that's objectionable.
Respect your teachers!
though the Teacher was over reacting by denying the whole class, it is an internal matter in a classroom.
Why Ant01 is so "over reacted" to have a QL discussion
By the way, the answer is also not so innovative ; there are chances a teacher may get angry.
both teacher & student are culprit...
ES, beating seems to be on the way out, though some teachers might still have nostalgic memories.
They teach at Indian schools? I just thought they beat the students until they passed
my dear
there must be a difference btw real life, and movies :-)
Can't comment on whether student was right or wrong but the teacher seems to have over reacted. Why not teaching the whole class for a students right/wrong answer?