call center jobs in qatar

By cristan_villanu... •
Do you know any call center jobs here in Doha,Qatar?
Hi to all.....
I just want to ask if you know any call center jobs here in doha qatar which is offering very good salary... i am currently here Bin omran,doha, qatar. I have experience in international call centers in the Philippines.I am using Business Visa.
please let me know.....
you can e-mail me... cristan_villanueva/-a-t-/
Thank you,
the company you talking about? is it still hiring call center agents??pease let me know or PM me
Hi impossible may i know the name of the company you are referring to and are they still hiring now? thanks for the reply :-)
hi there just want to know if that company still hiring?
guys...i applied in a call center here in qatar and i aced the initial interview and stuff...just wanna let u know that the hr asked me if i have friends who have call center experience that i can refer...just wanna help u out guys..only those with call center experience...and has good i mean very good english skill...thanks...
i was upset with the am sad...i just want to share what i got... :(
guys thanks for the comments.. but the company where i applied they dont require arabic.. only english and i am very thankful about it...because seriously i dunno how to speak arabic only few words like shukran jazeelan.. thanks for the comments guys...
that's right!
if u are call agent u must learned how to speak arabic here no need to be good in englishhh wahhhh
call me up if there's a call center here in qatar or email me @ [email protected]
hello!!anyone who know call center job here in doha qatar?i'm from the philippines and have previous experiences on call center..
here's my e-mail add:[email protected]
thank you so much!!
Possible, send your papers with personal photo
good morning rizk...weekend is over get back back to work!
Check with Al Aqsa guarantee of salary in time!
dont worry he is drunk
Rizks, are you ok???? rana?? pervert?? Where??
rana u pervert !!