How much is the salary of an executive secretary in hotel?

By splitdiamond •
Hello guys, I am a bit curious how much does the salary of an executive secretary of a hotel? Please if you have any idea, let me know..
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if you have at least 5 experience...
at least 7k basic salary + accomodation and transport
normal secretary
2.5k riyals minimum
plus accomodation and transport
executive secretary
4k riyals minimum
plus accomodation and transport
for me not to small or nor to big!its better shift for construction or semi government company.
for a experienced and good applicant I think a decent hotel should pay at least 7-11 k for this post, possible much more almost like a Department Head in some cases...
An executive secretary has a minimum of Qr,3000 and other allowances.if u have agood experiance and the concern is much better you may earn more salary.
exec. secretary? i gues it's Qrs. 3,000/- max.
plus free accommodation, food, transpo and laundry! :)