
Hello. I am travelling to Qatar for the first time tommorow and have been looking into the culture and do's/don'ts in Qatar. Having done a lot of travelling I realise the importance of cultural sensitivity. I have a question that I could not find an answer to. Is it alright to show tattoos in public as I am tattooed fully from my wrists to my shoulders?
I look forward to my visit and some sunshine.
so ,y tattoo fantasies can wait...hehehehe
thanks to all for your helpful advice
thanks colt..
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NO, there is no legal parlour that does tats... but I do know some guy who got his done thru his Philippino friend, it wasn't impressive though... I will never go to someone who isn't a professional and doesn't have professional equipment nor a health certificate :-)
sorry for hijacking the thread im just quite interested to know if there is anyone knows here where i can go to have tattoo...
* If you plant honesty, you will reap trust
* If you plant goodness, you will reap friends
* If you plant humility, you will reap greatness
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I have a huge tattoo on my shoulder, half way down to my elbow and it's visible pretty much of the time I'm wearing tee's... it's cool ;-)
it doesnt matter if you have tattoo all over your body what matter is if you walking in public without clothes ,just to show you have tatoo surely the police will catch you.. lols.
* If you plant honesty, you will reap trust
* If you plant goodness, you will reap friends
* If you plant humility, you will reap greatness
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* If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective
as long as they are not of naked women etc. you will be fine
i have tattoos and i have lived here 4 years and not had a problem with showing them in public
No Problems !!