A tale of two Extremes

There's no doubt in this world that women are under a lot of pressure in regards to their weight. Many young girls are affected by eating disorders and diets are the latest craze, all the while the obesity epidemic rages...Here are two articles (yes from the Daily Mail :P) outlining the two extremes: One about Britain's Girl band Girls Aloud and their rapidly shrinking figures
"Of course, she will issue the inevitable denials. She has been 'working out'. She has been 'working hard'. She has a 'super-fast metabolism' that means she can eat like a horse. Or, and here's a good one: 'It is all down to 20 minutes of Pilates a day.' She has 'good genes' or, as she put it at the weekend: 'It's in my family.'
But no matter how vehemently Nadine Coyle, the 24-year-old Girls Aloud singer who was photographed in London last week staggering uncertainly on legs thinner than any I've seen on the Paris catwalk over the past fortnight, might deny she has a problem, the evidence is clear.
Comparing her physique now - the jutting wrist bones, the exposed collar bone, and those thighs, oh dear God, those thighs - with the voluptuous, normal shape she had even two years ago, belying her assertion that she has 'always had skinny legs', it is clear she has fallen victim to a very modern disease: pop goes the curves syndrome."
AND the woman vying to be the world's fattest
Donna Simpson already weighs 43st, but she is determined to nearly double her size to become the world's fattest woman.
The 42-year-old from New Jersey, U.S, is set on reaching the 1,000lb mark (71st) in just two years. Remarkably she insists she is healthy, despite now needing a mobility scooter when she goes shopping.
What is wrong with our global culture today (and it is a global culture, there's not a woman in the world not affected by media sterotypes of women) that we can't just let women be the size they are? And what is the right size?
Reading both of these articles just makes me want to go eat a Big Mac, but I can't cause I'm dieting.
I thought he will stop all this flirting business after his marriage to Mr.Hazhafiz. But I guess once a flirt always a flirt. Poor Hazhafiz, no wonder he is asking for sex tips here.
deepb.. I am get very worried when in the company of Mr pajju nowadays, He starts off with calling you dear, then hugs you while rubbing his fingers on your back, and then he will sneak behind you when you are dancing and the list goes on..lol
Nah man I am starve of the latter than asking Mr P..:)
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Pajju will help you the latter part UKEng if you roll that way :P
I was just teasing you ;)
Actually it is lack of sleep and lack of *** lol..:)
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You know that lack of sleep and lack of water is not good for you ;)
Nic I only get 2 of the above nowadays..:(
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Eagle.. Now I know why I am putting on so much weight without eating so much..
Stress factor, definately causing the fat factor..:(
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You don't not necessarily have a problem, but in doubt go see a doctor.
It’s probably just your metabolism (at the moment).
Don’t be surprised, after 30 you'll start gaining weight for no apparent reason like what UKEng mentioned.
Until then enjoy the benefit, as it won’t last forever.
Absolutely! Sleep plays an important part of our balanced health!
As a matter of fact there are 4 vital needs that we must take in balanced and appropriate quantities:
- Water
- Food
- Sleep
- Sex
Make sure you them all in the right dosage ;)
UkEngQatar said Eagle.. Now I know why I am putting on so much weight without so eating much..
Stress factor, definately causing the fat factor..:("
And the cure for de-stressing is having another couple of beers :P Voila! There you go... :0)
/Btw, the stress gets to me too. I'm resigned to joining the Teletubbies...
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
Another thing wrong with me. I hardly sleep, yet no weight gain :((
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Lesser hours of sleep also affect our body....
One tend to put on more weight with lesser hours of sleep...to a certain extent....and lesser sleep definitely screws up ones health ....no doubt.
Ok Olive get yourself down to Wham this weekend.. will ensure you loose a few pounds before you leave..:) wink..
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WK - it can be done...
Another thing - Nic said Good point, a more accurate and easy way to measure your fitness is to measure your waist."
This reminds me of another bit of info -
"The greater omentum is a mass that sits in front of the stomach, and the lesser omentum covers the liver. Both become easy repositories for fat storage. When the greater omentum is especially large, the abdomen may appear stiff and distended bringing to mind the term beer belly...
... People who are under a great deal of stress may find that reducing the size of this organ is very difficult, and they are often advised not simply to diet, but also to reduce stress through a variety of therapies, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle changes. Stress and tummy fat are inexorably connected."
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
jackmohan2007 is right. And drink more water. eating nothing for dinner might be a problem but something light would do - salad without the dressings, maybe. A nutritionist once told me that dinner should be before 6.30pm so that the body has time to digest before bedtime.
All the best, Olive.
whyteknight said ...Somedays I just don't care what I look like but on others I spend an hour in front of the mirror and I am a boy, I don't know how long girls take :P"
I take 10 minutes and that includes a bath. An hour??? :-0
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
Easy to say eaglemmanuel but people do sweat over little things.
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whyteknight said "Educated or uneducated, everyone is conscious of their physical appearance..."
Aww gee... there are exceptions.
A pal quoted - "The only thing certain in life are death and taxes" but I said, "There are no taxes here in the ME, so the only thing certain in life is death". And so since we're all gonna kick the bucket at some point in time, why sweat the little things? :P
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
Good eating habits and stress free life can ensure healthy body..
lol tale of two extremes indeed wk :P
Nope, not all alcohol is bad for weight loss. Alcohol in higher concentration is very close to pure energy. So combining a glass or two of wine with your dinner is a good idea if your eating dinner at least 3 hours before sleep. If your planning to sleep as soon as you eat, then avoid alcohol. Because it will just get converted to fat and stored in your body for future use.
From what I know red wine is beneficial to health in general when taken up to 1 glass a day. I am not ware of any relation between wine and loosing weight.
It’s all about calories and red wine also contains them.
I think maybe, green tea, due to low calories and relatively high caffeine content would be a better candidate for a slimmer ;)
was kidding ;)
The thread did become a tale of two extremes, Olive asking for weight loss tips and me asking for weight gain tips, lolzzz.
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rishimba will consult with you when we meet next time.
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FS....WK will put on weight...when around 40yrs....sure...
He wont be able to control it after that.....
My brother was same like him.....but now he is fatter than me....while I have started to reduce....I dont know if some of the QLers I met earlier notice it.
Hmmmm....maybe I should try working out in the morning...Just means I have to start getting up even earlier. :S
What's the story on wine, I keep hearing different views, some say 1 to 3 glasses of red wine a day is good for weight loss, others that all alcohol is bad for weight loss. What's the truth!
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
Can't really blame her nic - the amount of junk food I eat is bad for me. I do exercise, so its just a matter of eating healthier. Now if only I could push myself to get up earlier in the morning.
wk, if you are serious...let me know, i can give you a solution...not joking.
Maintainable one means cutting out on a lot of the tasty food. Big breakfast and exercising in the morning. Since exercising in the morning gets your body metabolism up and running till the end of the day. Exercising in the evening or night doesn't help nearly as much, as your body metabolism goes back down when you sleep.
Drinking a lot of water, especially in the morning helps. Eating smaller meals more often instead of one or two big ones is also helpful. Skipping meals will hurt your diet more than overeating. Remember - no junk food, fried food, no colas, chocolate or ice-cream once a week only. And beer hurts more than the pure alcohol drinks like whisky or vodka.
rishimba I am willing to sacrifice a lot to gain weight but not that much :P
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wk, dont worry, once you get married, i am sure you will gain some weight and look much better..:)
Both pics looks so ugly...
Some people are really lucky they don’t put on weight..
WK you are a rare species..don’t compare yourself with others..lol
you sure need to educate her on this one too ;)
Good point, a more accurate and easy way to measure your fitness is to measure your waist.
Well I'd like to maintain mine, which is why I don't want to do anything extreme, I want it to be a workable exercise plan and diet....
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
5 months is a lot of time - that is the problem :( She expects me to get back into the shape I was 7 years ago when we started going out. I had body metabolism like wk at that time. Quick fixing a 6-pack in 2-3 weeks is easy. Maintaining it for a long period = whole new healthy diet and eating on time.
One of the best way to loose weight is ...the healthy way!
Eating 2 times...Heavy Breakfast & Heavy Lunch. nothing for dinner. Your stomach gets to rest for a few hours and you get a good sound sleep.
Also keep in mind the Scales do not show your true "Fat" it just shows your weight ....ie if you are working out you tend to increase muscles and decrease fat but the scales would show approx the same weight.
Also reflecting in the scales are the water retention of the body and the weight of the food consumed. If you are sweating profusely ....it would show decreased weight...while eating few bananas would show increased weight..
5 months deepk, that's plenty of time, try 6 weeks!
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
lol and I eat only junk food, drink half a dozen cold drinks per day and don't think twice before attacking Beer :P
My metabolism is as weird as me :P
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WK, sigh I used to be like you. Now I've got a deadline of 5 months to get back into shape before marriage. Sigh... I miss the junk food and the bebsi.
LOL. Will do UK.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
WK when I try them all on the same night it does work on me..:(
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I guess not, but it's the best I can do at the time. I don't have time to work out any more then an hour and even that's hard sometimes.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
unfortunately your metabolism is not universal norm (too bad actually).
its all about calories!
you are probably not doing enough for the results you aim.
on the other hand, if you're getting that attention in the Corniche, you may not be needing any change at all ;)
Alcohol makes you gain weight is the biggest lie I ever heard. I became an alcoholic trying to gain weight but haven't put on a single pound because of it. Beer, Whiskey, Vodka, Wine, Rum tried them all, sometimes all in the same night and it didn't work :(
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I agree, clubbing is a great exercise but if you are trying to loose weight you'll have to be gentle on the booze.
Tried running on the Corniche UK. Unfortunately the men seemed to like it a bit too much and I got tired of the picture taking and the stares.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
Ok here's my proposal for you Olive Guaranteed to work. Clubbing 4 to 5 times a week (around 2 to 3 hours per night), along with walk/run on the corniche or any other place, roughly about 10k every day that is from the sheraton to Islamic museum and back.
combined with healthy diet.
I am willing to propose my self as your personal trainer for this regime..subject to approval from the Man himself..:)
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Doing all those things Nic, although not avoiding alcohol completely as I have a couple of drinks on Thursday. And nothing.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
whyteknight and deepb,
i agree that most of us care about how we look!
and yes, with age its not so easy to maintain the figure!
we all know this and from here its all about choice:
hard work => healthy figure => good health
laziness => unhealthy figure => health at risk
as we are all educated, the key word is "hard work".
PS. I question education in the cases like Nadine Coyle. She starves herself either because she suffers from a mental disorder or she is not educated enough to think about the eventual permanent damage to her health and body.
Its not that, you are not doing something about it. Maybe you are not doing the right thing or not enough of what you are doing.
I am sure you know all about it but a combination of aerobics (1 hour running in a moderate pace) combined with a controlled intake of calories, should give you some visible results. During the critical period avoid alcohol (high calories).
lol they might start asking me for tips ;)
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I tried that for a couple of weeks before and I ended up feeling really nauseous all the time. I want to find a diet that's maintainable because I want to keep the weight off. Atkins isn't maintainable and unhealthy if you're on it to long.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
WK yep don't need to tell every one that you is size 0, will put the girls off..wink..
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How about Aitkens diet, suppose to make you shed pound in days?
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Not working at all UKEng. I can't seem to lose a pound, even with the work outs & diet. The only positive thing I can say is that I'm lifting more weight so I'm getting stronger, but nothing else seems effected. I'm starting to get a bit down if you can't tell. :P
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
Uk I am down to size 0 :P
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Olive how the diet going dear? are you down to size 6 yet?
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Olive ,
Probably at times you consider that you need to adjust your figure towards your comfortable zone. Wise move ;)
Yes you are educated, that’s why you know the reasons you became like that and you know what you need to do to correct the situation.
Your satisfaction will depend if you actually do enough or not to achieve your goals.
If you were not educated, maybe you would just continue feeling miserable all your life and probably aggravating the problem.
I am quite conscious as well. It was just so much easier to stay in shape 5-7 years ago. Now it's getting that much harder. I have to cut out junk food and cola drinks. Sigh..................
I can understand pounds... but stones are confusing :)
Why 14 pounds? What's next? A rock = 17 stones?
I didn't mean educated in terms of just academics Nic. What I am trying to say is everyone is conscious about their looks no matter who they are. I consider myself to be a fairly wise guy, Somedays I just don't care what I look like but on others I spend an hour in front of the mirror and I am a boy, I don't know how long girls take :P
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Educated in this context does not mean academic achievements. It refers to possessing the knowledge to fully understand what makes them look like they do and what is needed to be done, to become what they realistically want.
The "educated ones" also understand that without the necessary effort (hard work) they won’t ever achieve the long lasting expected results.
I agree with WK. I consider myself to be fairly educated, but there are times that I struggle with my body image. I think everyone does at times.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
Educated or uneducated, everyone is conscious of their physical appearance is what I feel.
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If the educated feel miserable about their bodies is because they are not thinking properly.
If they know what to do and they are not obtaining the expected results is because they choose to "not to do enough".
We can’t obtain results without the necessary effort. One should know this, be realistic or accept the consequences.
Once we totally understand this, it equips you to resist the media's pressure and feel good about yourself.
This is what I think.
trying hard to cut some weight all she gets is sweaty eeeeeewwwwwwwww :D
The eating extremes are mental disorders that can be treated.
The insecurity and pressure about what how one looks like versus what the media projects as ideal can be overcome by education.
Let’s say I am fat and want to be slimmer and muscle toned.
Here are some scenarios and differences between being "educated" or not:
If I am educated I will know that only way to achieve my goal is with a balanced diet and exercise.
If I am not adequately educated, I either feel miserable about myself and do nothing or opt for quick fixes that won’t lead me to lasting good results and will continue to feel bad.
If I am educated, the media pressure doesn’t really have a great impact because I know the difference between real life and stardom, knowing for a fact that their looks are either not real (Photoshop, makeup and/or not sustainable), they also turn fat and ugly and at end they also die (sometimes even earlier).
If I am not educated I will feel the pressure and miserable!
The above are just examples to illustrate how adequate education and parental guidance, equip you to face the pressures of media!
Even the educated one's feel miserable about their bodies Nic. The may know the healthier ways to lose or gain weight, but they still feel miserable.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
I just had a look at the pictures in the article. Those women looked so much better in their before images. It's sad.
Solid build is the best choice. No too much popping up bones, not too much fat..just yummy yummy
If anything the real feminists are trying to get rid of these unhealthy body images.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
I don't think feminists try to achieve unhealthy body images. Maybe the hypocrites would....
I know it's not just academics, but there in again is why it's not just an education issue. Teenage girls don't have a lot of life experience and they develop these eating disorders when they are young and have a hard time getting rid of them when they are older, no matter how much more life experience they gain. These images are drilled into women's heads from a young age and it's very difficult to get rid of them.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
Those men are busy being tortured by their respective wives and girlfriends :P You know the saying, all the good men are either taken or gay.
I think that if educated people fall victim to low self esteem and lack confidence in how they look, its probably because the education received was not adequate.
Note: education is more than academics
This isn't about feminism, it's about body image.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
So Feminism has still not helped a woman do what she wants. She does what the male wants. Then whats the point in shouting from the rooftops?
I wish I had a keg around the middle. I am too skinny :(
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LOL. Then where are these men with those bodies! Every guy I know is sportin a keg round their middle!
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
It is quite widespread olive. Most women expect us to carry a body like Hugh Jackman or Brad Pitt. It's so unfair :'(
I don't think it's Education entirely when it come to body image. Even educated people can fall victim to low self esteem and lack confidence in how they look. I think these issues go a bit deeper.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
Honestly, what I think they should be banned along with all other similar services and replaced with healthier options (just what I think).
Obviously its all utopia!
The solution relies yet again, relies on EDUCATION ;)
Sigh body metabolism. I miss my body metabolism when I was 17-21 years old. Now I have to eat healthy and what not :P
I don't think it's as wide spread as eating disorders in woman deepb, but I could be wrong.
Ya right Nic, than how would McDonalds advertise. :P
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
olive and plushed..
if someone's career is dependent on the shape of her body, she will not leave any stone unturned to remain in shape...this has to be understood by us.
for others like you and me, its not a necessity and thus we shouldnt try to emulate the models at the cost of other potential diseases if any.
moreover, the natural metabolism of each one of us is dependent on our genes which we cannot change. so, it finally comes down to proper awareness in the people what is good for them in the long run.
Utopia! We would have to see a brave new world in the media & publicity protocols where no life and health threatening influences would be allowed!
Well certain men do push and go for unhealthy body types. Steroid users are one example. So it's not really limited to women. People do a lot of strange things to get attraction from the opposite sex.
Anyone saw the movie Phat Girlz?
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Not sure about punished as a crime, because than you would have to punish smokers too. But they need to stop being glorified in the media.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
Ideally, both extremes should be punished as crimes against oneself and burden to society (additional medical care)!
these women, or most people for that matter, thinks that the "right" thing is what's "in". Media decides what is visually acceptable/stimulating or not. why do you see mostly sexy women in magazines or TV? why do you think women (some of them models) starve themselves to death just to be in "the right size"?
do they think this is the right thing to do? i dont think so. this is what the media says is the right thing. you can observe this especially in young ones, teens. (which includes me) hehe. :)
"I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good, either."
Men do exercise to get in shape, but very few of them go for such unhealthy body types WK, whereas many many woman are trying to either A) starve themselves skinny or B) eat whatever they want & relish in their fat.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
It's not just women, so many guys hit the gym and keep sweating it out thinking women prefer a more muscular body which is true though.
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balanced diet and weight well under continuous check and control are the BEST
wala lang
It's a little bit more difficult then doing what you think is right rishimba. We're talking about body image and what men find attractive in a woman's body. If the media is only showing super skinny girls than that's what women will think men want and hurt themselves in the process of doing so. Vice versa, if the media says that being fat is in, than women will hurt themselves to get fat.
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
people have their own reasons of doing such things... i have my own reasons of doing what i am doing..
why should you get affected by the media or others...just do whatever you feel right.
putting their lives at risk to get fifteen seconds fame.
"The more I see of the world the more am I dissatisfied with it." Jane Austen.
"I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good, either."
What don't you understand married?
literal people are scary, man, literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry while getting it wrong fundamentally down at the church of "look,it sez right here, see!" Ani Difranco
media. :)
what's in and what's not. they're brainwashing everyone of us. heh,
"I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good, either."
I don't like women who are too skinny, there has to be something to hold onto ;-)
I wish I could ever think about dieting but I can't put on any weight no matter what I eat so can't even think about losing any :(
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no understand