karwa taxi service

How can i depend on the karwa taxi service?
Few weeks ago, I have an interview at 11.30 o'clock in the morning.I booked a karwa taxi on the previous day.That day around 8 o'clock i called and confirmed it. It was 15 minutes away from my house on a taxi. Around 10 o'clock i called again they said driver on the way. I waited ..waited. around 11 o'clock i called again . They said, within 5 to 10 minutes driver will reached . But nobody coming until.11.20 . After that i get out to find another taxi . unfortunitely, the taxi came at that time . When i reached the interview board it is already 10 minutes late.As a result FAIL..........
You have my sincere sympathy. I suggest you either call one of the following staff to lodge your complaint or send your story (bad experience with the call centre's taxi service) to the below e-mail address (2) and cc same to others (1) and (3):
(1) Mr Ali Bahzad -- Taxi & Limo Business Unit Director
Tel: 458-8686
E-mail: [email protected]
(2) Mr. Amr Kamel -- Call Centre Manager
Tel: 458-8699
E-mail: [email protected]
(3) Mr. Ahmad Ansari -- Business Development Director
(Monitoring service quality & customers feedback)
Tel: 458-8901
E-mail: [email protected]
I am sure one of them may react to your complaint. Good luck.
Village level Transportation Service = Karwa
Though I emphatize with what you're feeling right now, being late for an appointment is a "NO-NO".
But if you have a job interview, you should allocate an hour minimum TRAVEL TIME from your house to the job location.
If you're going for a job interview...