How are you like?

"I got 23 questions and they're all about us"
jokes jokes :P :P
So wanted to know more about people here on Qatar Living, I have been away for almost two months; back in action.
You will get my answers below.
1-You can start of your funny questions with a series of short fun questions like – love or money? High salary or job satisfaction?
2-Describe your self. What do you think about yourself and do you think people perceive you in the same way?
3-Which is your most favorite book ever?
4-Which is the one television character that you simply adore?
5-What is your taste in music?
6-Which is your favorite genre of movies ? (Comedy/ Romance/Suspense/Action/Horror)
7-What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?
8-What makes your angry? Do you get angry very soon? How do you overcome your anger?
9-Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?
10-If you could have a luncheon with any three people (real of fictitious/ from any time period, dead or alive) , which three people would you choose and why?
11-Which is your most cherished childhood memory? How were you as a kid ?
12-If given a complete freedom to start afresh, what profession would you choose and why?
13-What is your idea of fun? If given a choice to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day?
14-Which is your favorite time of the day, are you a morning person or a night person?
15-What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
16-Name one person whom you love the most and one person whom you hate the most.
17-In case you and I were going out and we had a fight. 18-How would you try to patch things up?
19-Which is the most funniest prank played on you or played by you?
20-If given a choice, which animal would you want to be? Why?
21-Who was your first crush? Did you ever tell him/her about your feelings?
22-Which is your most favorite place in this earth?
23-If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the five things that you would want to survive?
Adios (Oh that's not a questions :P xD)
1-Love and job satisfaction
2-I don't think a lot about myself but i know many people do :-P
3-It has to be 'The Mahabharata'....I've read it 14 times already :-D
4-Kevin from 'The Wonder Years'....not a tough one this one :-P
5-Enigma,Jazz and romantically meaningful songs
6-Comedy and Romance
7-I just try to get some sleep.Usually i wake up in a better mood.Or i take a walk alone.
8-I get angry when i feel cheated.Happens rarely but when i do,it's real bad :-P when i'm angry,the people i know are aware that it's best that they stay away from me.
9-the time i saw the Taj Mahal for the first time...1994 :-)
10-i'd choose just one...reason?i'm just so incurably in love with him :-P :-D
11-Most cherished childhood memory...?the day my sister was born :-) i was practically walking in the clods that day :-D i was a quiet child...always kept to myself and lived in my own virtual dreamworld of elves and fairies and goblins :-)
12-I would be an editor....coz i love English and being a world of words and thoughts would be paradise for me.
13-My idea of fun would depend on my mood that particular day...somedays i like to be all by myself....somedays i like to go window shopping...somedays all i want to do is sleep,eat,sleep,eat,sleep...... :-D
14-definitely a night person....i am at my best after sundown....i am not at all a morning person and i hate daytime x-(
15-it's way too crazy to be i'll keep that to myself....the second crazy thing was confusing the timetable of my Grade 11 final exams and studying english instead of Math and discovering my folly only after reaching school! :-S that was a nightmare!(p.s:i scraped thru and passed:-D )
16-The one person I love the most:My mom :-)
The one person I hate the most:there aren't many...but i don't want to disclose names.
17-18-just flash my best smile and say "sorry"'s a big thing coz that's a word i never use unless i REALLY mean it.if the other person is at fault,then i'll never patch up.can't help it.that's my nature.
19-Hmm....there are so many....can't single out just one.
20-I'd want to be a Panda bear :-) coz they are such sweet and harmless creatures.not to mention they look adorable too.
21-First crush?Aamir Khan :-D nope,never got a chance to tell him.
22-Mumbai,India!no doubts! :-)
23-food,water,a blanket,a pair of clothes to change and a first aid kit :-D
regarding love or mony, Sour i I briefer LOVE
regarding High salary or job satisfaction, Sour in qatar i need High salary, but if i in my contry i briefer job satisfaction.
regarding love or mony, Sour i I briefer LOVE
regarding High salary or job satisfaction, Sour in qatar i need High salary, but if i in my contry i briefer job satisfaction.
Lol! I love the last two words. Pretty interesting personnality you got there.
Loved by some, hated by many, envied by most, yet wanted by plenty!
1. Job Satisfaction comes first, high salary second
2. I am almost perfect :P and all people can see it :P
3. "The Prince" or "Al Amir" in arabic by N.Machiavelli
4. None
5. All types of music especially arabic.
6. Suspense , Horror,
7. Drive to the corniche, grab a cup of coffee and watch the sea waves
8. Liers, posers, and on a larger scale injustice and double standards.
9. Lebanon will always be my best place to go
10. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), Prophet Issa the Christ (PBUH)
11. Lots of memories.
12. I am satisfied with my proffesion and I choose it by myself.
13. Limited places in Doha, lets see: Malls, coffee shops, boring Night Clubs,beach resorts (only 5?6? in all Qatar). I would rather drive my convertible in the sunny weather of Doha
14. I used to love early mornings and night but now I only like night.
15. I will not tell on QL :)
16. I love my mother and I hate all zionists with no exception :)
17 and 18 . I wont make a fight with a woman
19. Also, i cant share on QL :)
20. I thank God that I am human. This question is unethical, sorry
21. A girl back at the university, I told her, she ignored me lool.
22. home sweet home
23. water, food, turkish coffee :P, shisha, and a beautiful lady :P
I dont know. Figure it out yourself.
Loved by some, hated by many, envied by most, yet wanted by plenty!
Why did I bother myself for what?
Havent thought of that dmighty. And yes thats me.
Darude I was def away preparing this. HAHAHAHA! Not funny!!!
Loved by some, hated by many, envied by most, yet wanted by plenty!
were you busy all this time away from QL preparing this topic.
Oh and this should be posted in Question section on QL.
if you just followed Whiteknight's method!
BTW, is that you in you in your avatar?
No worries will wait for ur next set of questions ...:)
Aint interested now.
Loved by some, hated by many, envied by most, yet wanted by plenty!
M.E u look so gorgeous !!
Can i PM u and give all the answers ? :)
One thing I already know about you people is that you're LAZY! No offense to those who are planning to answer :))
Loved by some, hated by many, envied by most, yet wanted by plenty!
Why did you bother yourself?
Yes rizkz
Loved by some, hated by many, envied by most, yet wanted by plenty!
1- Love, High salary (prefered love over money, so picked high salary in case my lover is poor :P)
2-I am simple but complicated. I am not sure about people percieving me in the same way, but I think they pretty much do.
3-The Quran
4-Hmmm...Dr.Phill...JOKES! :) Hmmm...I will get to it later.
5-Anything that sounds good!
6-Horror and Action
7-I cry or jog.
8-Lies, stubborness, traffic and stupidity.
I do get angry very fast.
And haven't found a solution yet.
9-My trip to Egypt, with my whole family.
10-Prophet Mohamed, because it's impossible! My grandfather, because I wanted to spend time with him when I was old. Hosny Mubarak, so I can shoot him in the head!
11-Between KG and grade five.
I was a very smart child, talented, energetic, and very popular. I was an angel! (still is :))
12-President. Because I want to change the world, and make so many that aren't happy; extremely happy.
13-Fun for me is happiness.
I would spend on the beach with the people I love.
14-Favorite time of the day sunset. I am def a morning person.
15-I have done a lot of crazy things. I am not sure which one is the craziest. But I think this one, skipping school and getting on top of my friends house roof. Her house is located right infront of the entrance of pizza square. Yeah we use to throw eggs from up there on the cars, till the police came to her house; but we denied we did anything! So yeah..
16-One person? Pretty tough. I don't hate anyone, thank god.
17-18- I would stay quiet till we go back home and flip that house upside down :D :D
19-Scaring my sister, brother and father off. :D Hilarious!
20- The bird. Because I love flying. But I wouldn't enjoy having a bird as a pet though.
21-My first crush was this french guy in my sister's class. I was in grade five. I never told him, but two years later he had a crush on me; that's when I lost interest in him already.
22-The beach.
23-Mushroom burger, fire, mineral water, choclate and cover.
Loved by some, hated by many, envied by most, yet wanted by plenty!
No rizks it's application form for the job of her boyfriend . Only interested may apply :P
You want us to answer all tat above questions ?