INTERNET SIGNAL always disconnected

My internet connection always get disconnected. Is it just the internet signal or is it because of my 2-year old Speedtouch from Qtel? It's almost a week now that i noticed my internet always get disconnected. Do i need to replace my speedtouch? No, the problem is not in the router, i noticed the speedtouch's light always turning red that i have to turn it off and switch on again to make it green(indicates signal).
yep thanks.. :)
Then everything is okay, mj.
you know what i mean... :P
well, i got the answer already.. :)
what do you mean, is that really you? Of course, I am, who I am. Who are you, mjamille? Someone else?
yes a needle... so is that really really you? :P
Anyhow, a reset should be for more than 3 minutes, so that the capacitors can discharge. As long as they are charged (and they are meant to store electrical energy) the status will not change. You should also unplug the powercord. There is always a rest voltage.
A needle, ouch!
Boston, mine's too big for it as well, i just use a pin or needle.. :P
The button is too small for me, mjamille. My hands are too big.
Boston, you reset yourself..
it's a very small button, you'd have to use a pin to push it..
ill try it MJ
with mine too. every few mins it gets disconnect
mjamille, can you also reset me?
maybe you need to reset your speedtouch, there's a tiny button to reset it ya?
Turn off your computer for 5mins and turn off the socket which it is connected to. Then turn on, sometimes that solves my very same problem. Hope its works for you
but the signal light in the speedtouch itself always turns red, that means disconnection :(
greentea - Try this. remove your wifi, connect the speedtouch and wire it to your pc/laptop. see how it works. If its fine, your router is the culprit.
- God Gives n Forgivs .. We Gets n Forgets -
you may try to update the firmware version of your router and see if it works coz this might be the reason why ur signal keeps on dropping..
with mine.
so i guess it's qtel... because it never happened before only lately
We purchased a new router thinking that problem is with router but still the same problem.
Our office boy has one more activity of switching on & off the power supply which is ceiling level.
hmmm okie maybe problem with qtel i guess... anyway you can use your router directly without the speedtouch modem if it is an asdl router. or it is an access point only.
" In my opinion only. . . nothing personal"
even here in our office internet signal keeps on dropping and mobile signal always busy too..
i have 2...
ok let me rephrase that... i connect my wifi base station to the speedtouch...
Qtel sucks lately, even on my mobile phone i get no signal, then it comes back on.. :(
what do u mean? you have a speedtouch + router???
" In my opinion only. . . nothing personal"