Why does Love hurt so much?

Love hurts so much because we allow it to hurt. It's human nature. Getting hurt is a part of life. Its how you handle the hurt or how you allow it to affect you. When two people are in a relationship there are good times and bad times being in a relationship is a great feeling.
Knowing that you have a person that loves you is such a wonderful thing. But sometimes people put to much faith in other people and then when that person doesn't live up to the other persons expectations then there are a huge amount of disappointment and hurt. Why do we allow other people to control our emotions?
A broken heart really is one of the worst feelings in the world. When you find out somebody that you love, somebody that you gave such a huge part of yourself to betrayed you, is indescribable. You feel this pain in the middle of your chest and it literally just aches. It hurts oh so bad! And then the tears and crying set in. opinion you do need to allow yourself to grieve. You need to accept everything that has happened and then you just need to look inside yourself to find the courage and strength needed to move on. This is so much easier said than done. It is a part of life. One thing we have to learn is when one door closes three more usually open.
Everything happens for a reason . You must be strong and simply commit to yourself.
Been to bed with lots of women, never woken up with any..
Cold as Ice
Rules are a guideline for intelligent people, but they must be adhered to by idiots.
lol... Sounds fun..
Shall read the whole thread tomorrow :)
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
i guess so MD...
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
Music and love are almost the same. Not from Earth.
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
Music is the universal lingo wacky...
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
what's with this music lingo you two are doing? weird...
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
We will have the same problem again, you can't give us the GPS coordinates, wacky. The truck will miss your place.
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
But I can't keep quiet, afterall "It's only words and words are all i have to take her heart away"
man I should get a doctorate in Bullsh*tting...
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
anyone said beer? i want one...yalla toss me one am out of stock... ;)
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
Sandee, if you don't know what you're talking about, "you say it best, when you say nothing at all."
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
so when u really find love it becomes worth it
MD you really should quit drinking, Beer has invaded all your senses..
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
Which beer case?
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
Actually it differs from case to case. There is no exact method to deal with human emotions...
Feeling sorry for yourself doesn't help in any of the cases though...
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
Thank you, there's much truth in it.
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
Reflect on your feelings and don't hide them. Getting through something requires not running from them, or being in denial. You're emotionally hurt, don't hide these feelings. Don't pretend to feel something or avoid what you're going through. It can work in the beginning ignoring these feelings, or convincing yourself it's nothing. Being in denial doesn't work. Most people tend to say forget what happen, and just move on. You can't just move on with the snap of the fingers.
Before you move on you have to face it. Otherwise what you're feeling will sneak up on you later, or just slowly start to eat at you. Reflect on your sadness, pain, and let it out. Don't let it out in any destructive ways, like drinking or doing drugs. Sometimes you got to fall down, before you can get back up. Cliche as it sounds, this is the process needed when you've suffered from a broken heart, and you're feeling a bit depressed and down over it. You need to build yourself back up. You can't ignore the difficult parts of it, you'll have to go through the tough part first. That requires being surrounded by your emotional pain.
Best Regards..
You know Wacky what Bob marley said
Here's a little song i wrote,
you might want to sing it note for note,
don't worry, be happy
in every life we have some trouble,
when you worry you make it double
don't worry, be happy
dont worry be happy now
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
aint got no place to lay your head,
somebody came and took your bed,
don't worry, be happy
the landlord say your rent is late,
he may have to litagate,
dont worry (small laugh) be happy,
look at me im happy,
don't worry, be happy
i give you my phone number,
when your worried, call me,
i make you happy
don't worry, be happy
aint got no cash, aint got no style,
aint got no gal to make you smile
but don't worry, be happy
cos when you worry, your face will frown,
and that will bring everybody down,
so don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy now...
don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy
now there this song i wrote
i hope you you learned it note for note
like good little children
dont worry be happy
listen to what i say
in your life expect some trouble
when you worry you make it double
dont worry be happy
be happy now
dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry
dont worry be happy
don't worry, don't worry, don't do it,
be happy,put a smile on your face,
don't bring everybody down like this
don't worry, it will soon pass whatever it is,
don't worry, be happy,
i'm not worried
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
is it me you're looking for MD? *batting eyelashes* ;)
but i think my shoes kinda wear off kicking sandee's ass.
and sandee that martial arts trick doesn't scare me so don't even try it :/
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
You have never met me when I am angry Wacky, I know all the martial arts, I can really kick some ass when I want :)
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
I've been looking for that woman with those shoes.
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
sandee...i still have the pointiest shoes so don't get smart with me. am gonna kick your ass big time :P
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
I have a plan B...
PLAN A- Kick Wacky's Arse
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
There is, wacky.
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
there should always be a plan B guys... __________________________________
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
Plan A always works...
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
Plan A is working.
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
I tried so hard to forget. Drink, Drugs, Dancing, Driving, but no luck. The pain is still there. :O(
Same problem here MD.. Whatever happened to our plan to eliminate all evil..
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
I have the same problem, wacky. Someone I really loved, blocked my private messages. What to do?
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
Wacky you are making me angry now Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Not a good thing to do....
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
I don't think he is MD. he must have changed his heart and his mind. there's nothing constant in this world but change i guess...
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
You made me come back only to read that you are going????
Men can also buy pointed shoes you know and after being with you for a while, I have learnt the intricate art of arse kicking too so you better not go...
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
This guy must be an idiot, wacky!
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
thanks... i guess someone doesn't want me around already. and that someone doesn't care...i'm off to my corner for now. at least i would feel that my sense of balance is still there...in that corner. i'll be off soon. will miss everyone...especially YOU (who says i don't???) ;)
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
why does LOVE HURTS? Because we put all our emotions,we give everything,we dont even think for our self,in our mind and heart always that person we love and we expect that the love we give to the one we love will return to us...
Ofcourse, after all you were with me when I was acting weird.
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”- Orson Welles
Tell me, who did that to you. I'm gonna kill him, wacky.
"If You Don't Want My Love, There's Nothing I Can Do"
(J. D. Souther)
sandee...someone doesn't want to talk to me anymore :( like i was left in the middle of nowhere...but i guess i just have to understand. life sometimes make a 360 deg turn in a snap of a finger. you are back to where you've started. tonight i'm the drama queen please bear with me ;)
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
You are a criminal in more ways than one MD ;)
Anyway being alone isn't a crime but feeling lonely is certainly a crime.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
Since when do you know how I feel, sandee?
"Leave Me or Love Me"
He was never lonely MD, He always had his companion in science. That was his love.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
britexpat , how u tried?
" feeling lonely is a crime"."
Sometimes you make me wonder, sandee. Do you think anybody understood Einstein in his time. He was lonely. Was he a criminal then?
"Leave Me or Love Me"
oh pajju saying he wana love a girl, as if he still dint?
Life will be too boring without these surprises junarc.
Who wants to live a boring life.
Never and I mean NEVER hate yourself, always think of yourself as the blessed one. Life shouldn't stop for anyone and always remember feeling lonely is a crime...
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
i hate surprises... i hate myself... and i hate this feeling... it sucks..
"there are so many rumors about me...feel free to believe in any of'em.."
junarc very soon someone will make you believe in it even more strongly. This life is full of pleasant surprises :)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
me too... someone made me...
"there are so many rumors about me...feel free to believe in any of'em.."
I D O N O T B E L I E V E I N T H A T C R A P !!
"Leave Me or Love Me"
nice one MD... sing it :P
"there are so many rumors about me...feel free to believe in any of'em.."
(Boudleaux Bryant)
Sung by at least 30 famous artists.
Love hurts, love scars, love wounds and mars
Any heart not tough or strong enough
To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain
Love is like a cloud holds a lot of rain
Love hurts, mmm, mmm, love hurts
I'm young I know but even so
I know a thing or two I learned from you
I really learned a lot, really learned a lot
Love is like a stove burns you when it's hot
Love hurts, mmm, mmm, love hurts
Some fools think of happiness
Blissfulness, togetherness
Some fools fool themselves I guess
But they're not fooling me
I know it isn't true, know it isn't true
Love is just a lie made to make you blue
Love hurts, mmm, mmm, love hurts
"Leave Me or Love Me"
That's why calling out the expert MD..
Drac I do go all the way, never get stuck in the middle like you, my half-dead friend ;)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
Mine is not big, sandee, you'll miss it.
"Leave Me or Love Me"
Correction:a DEAD real friend! :P
Anything for the wacky arse kicker MD, wacky now leave the senti mode and let's go kick some arse....
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
Thank you, sandee, you're a real friend.
"Leave Me or Love Me"
Wacky You have my full support if these two old men are too tired :)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
Why do we suffer for the name of LOVE. ;-(
It was a "bloody" day on the beach, drac, and it's not finished.
"Leave Me or Love Me"
sorry, MD
I can take care for Jun, only!
For W-Baby I need your support! :P
Dracula!!!!!! You are required.
"Leave Me or Love Me"
Am asking the same thing... I am so lost I cannot figure it out. And it's damn killing me :( why????_____________________________
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
yea MD.. i will be fine in no time...thanks to u too...
"there are so many rumors about me...feel free to believe in any of'em.."
You have to be bloody strong, june.
"Leave Me or Love Me"
oh drac... thanks a lot...
"there are so many rumors about me...feel free to believe in any of'em.."
I am here, just for you! :)
Be strong!
MD says rm a car...beware.... Car hurts much!!!
why dont both you lover's , rein & Md...use PM service... its free of charge i think....lol
this is so timely... we just broke up... and i dont know until when it will hurt
"there are so many rumors about me...feel free to believe in any of'em.."
MagicDragon is a victim of the flame of love, you fools.
"Leave Me or Love Me"
MD uses the flame of love.. the strongest and hottest flame
"Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."
drac,now you dont like vegetables anymore....lol
Ya he doesn't use flames, he uses something far more deadly, the theories of Physics :)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
nehhh..dont worry!
he doesn't use flames!
..just Magic!:)
If dragons love little girls, they just warm them when they shiver, rein.
"Leave Me or Love Me"
MD, im sure he does..
im afraid of the dragons flame
"Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."
MD is the Magic Dragon, Pajju. Dragons eat little girls!
"Leave Me or Love Me"
MD its u ? :((
That "someone" must be feeling good.
"Leave Me or Love Me"
pajju, someone owns my heart, i cant give it away, its not mine..
"Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."
Interesting question, Pajju!
"Leave Me or Love Me"
I know it really hurt so much now a days i am going on that face . It hurt after so much trust .
yes, it's a pain in the arse for some.
rein ,,, u wanna love me ?
The course of love never did run smooth. - Shakespeare
"Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."
Because "love makes you feel the pain of too much tenderness."
I Dont Know !
Plz ask Jimimadi....:)
It's chemistry, and you cannot just "rid it off".
"Leave Me or Love Me"
"Expectations" is the watchword in any relatonship... don't build them up too much, too early and one would just be fine.
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Thats the problem in loving someone who does not even loves you. Try to rid it off during the first cut phase.
It's chemistry. Beat it with chemicals!
"Leave Me or Love Me"
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; Only love can do that.
i want to love gal .. how can i ?
Poor Love. its hurts so much that we can't bear the pain inside. :-X
I tried to be strong , but It's easier said than done .
Why do I hurt so much ? :O(