Delinquent children?

By sunrise_1969 •
I'am an expat, I encounter two bad experiences about the behaviour of young guys let's say 10 to 14 yrs old. While I'am walking home from a friend. One instance 3 boys riding a bike approaching towards my way suddenly throwing hard objects at me and they are laughing. I was shock, I'm a bit taller medium built. Did they know that I can beat them up any time of the day. What they are thinking? I did anything wrong and if I retaliate maybe I'm the one will go to jail because I'm foreigner here.
I already experience it twice and I know it will happen again to me. I need advice on what to do with these matters.
I have been doing a lot of reading on the culture, and I think avoidance is your best bet if they are kids. Qatari or non-Qatari, kids seem to be put on a pedestal and highly valued, and, shall we say, indulged? My understanding is that one will never see a gulf child be spanked or physically punished. I sure wouldn't want to be seen kicking a boy where things count! I wouldn't do any kind of physical retaliation unless it escalated beyond harassment into real danger.
I hope the authorities will do something about it, We are good people helping the country to be more prosperous. This case is not isolated it happen many times in different places. I only ask for fair and square...
Just ignore them, dont cross that way you better find another way back home they are just little kids, if you do something you will be in a big trouble
similar thing happened to me a few months back. five boys of about 10 to 14 yrs waited outside the ATM booth, and as soon as i came out, they hit my bum and ran away. it was painful. unfortunately, i am small and could not beat the lights out of em. and they ran very quickly and i just stood there, shocked with what happened, and helpless.
delinquent children? i'd say Qatar needs to incorporate in their educational system what we call back home as "Character formation" or GMRC (Good Manners and Right conduct).
perhaps the children were not taught any better.
Thanks , I will take your advice as an option if things get to worst.
kick them in the nuts and run away from the scene as fast as you worked for me