20,000 QR PM Enough for 3 members currently?
By kamalonline •
Is 20,000 QR per Month a good offer/enough (no other major allowances) for 2 adult + 1 kid (about to go school)live in Qatar?. Given the current rentals for 2 bedroom flats in qatar. Can anyone pls help me to know. Thanks!
agree with sandeep..so many ppl here living with 1000 QR...its depend on ur life style dude
I don't know why people ask such things here. Dude there are people in Qatar working for even 1,000 QR per month who will say your offer is very very very good.. There are people working for 50 K QR who will say your salary is too low. How you will make up your mind, I don't know.. What I suggest is you compare the cost of living index of your current place of residence with Doha, will give you a better idea. That's what I did anyway....
Rent:6500 ~ 7500
CAR ( Installment ) : 1700 ( Salon Car )
Medical : 500
Groceries: 1,500
Schooling: 500
Other Expensis: 2000
TOtal: 13,700
Saving: 6,300 ( approximately )
Consider for the time being, Will be on me only
whose paying for schooling, medical, dentist ?
Half of it will go for a decent place. School and car will be around 3.000. Yeah, you can make it, sort of.