Resident visa process.... hope this will help others also

I have been through the process to get resident visa for my wife and child. Thought of putting the process here if it is of help to some one. If it is usefull, just ping with a thankyou note to my mail id albyjoy_tk/-a-t-/
1. Get an application form from internet or directly from Labour department(C ring road, next to American hospital)
2. Type the application form by a typist or by yourself.
3. Get the signature and seal from your sponsor at the last page and put your signature as well in the application form.
4. Submit the application form with the following documents.
a. A letter from your employer, explaining your position and salary (for those who are working in the government, their letters should be authorised by the Ministry of Labor and Social and specify the contract type).
b. Passport copy of husband, wife and children.
c. Enclose statements of wife's children and her adopted children and mention adoption reasons.
d. Salary statement for 6 months approved by a signature or a stamp from the bank. ( some times 3 months statement will work)
e. Marriage certificate approved by your country's embassy and by the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ( Copy of attested certificate will work)
f. Copy of birth certificates of children and approved by your country's embassy and by Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ( Copy of attested certificate will work)
g. Copy of Academic Qualification approved by your country's embassy and by Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ( Copy of attested certificate will work)
h. Copy of the electricity bill. (not necessarily in your name)
5. After submitting the application, get a receipt with application number and track the status through this link . Click on the seccond radio button and enter the application number and Your QID. Initially the status will be in "U", Status will change to "Y"
6. After seeing the status "Y", Go to Labour again and get a printout with the visa application number.( You can take the printout directly from website also).
7. Track the status through the link and click on "Visa approval tracking"
8. Once you see "Ready for printing" status in the above website, go to Immigration with the paper that you got from Labour department and original passport of the applicants and yours. No application is required
9. Pay the amount and get the visa (and a sticker, if it is a change from visit visa to resident pasted in the passport).
10. Now you need to go for medical with the following documents.
1. Original passport.
2. Passport size photos.
3. QAR 100 (in cash) for each person.
11. Then wait for the status change in the above site, once the status is changed, you will get a form from the above website where you need to fill some supplementary data.
12. Proceed for finger print with the printout from website after Medical approval( they just need the visa number. To be on the safer side, go with all papers).
13. Go back to immigration with the following
Printout of the form from MOI website, duly filled, after medical approval.
Copy of ID and passport of sponsor,
Paper from medical
QR 250, if you are applying residency for one year and same amount for every additional year.
and get the RP card by paying the required amount and enjoy life in qatar.
Hope this data is useful.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any further help on this.
Thank you very much..
Yes very useful informantion
very useful info
If your child's name is added in mothers passport, you need to do the process for mother and child as dependent. If child and mother have separate passport the you have to do the entire process for both but with an exception of blood test, x-ray and finger print for children.
what about the child visa ?
Thanks for the update.