seasonal flu shot and H1N1-must read

I have been reading up on the research done in Canada in regards to the seasonal flu shot and H1N1. Studies show that people vaccinated against seasonal flu are twice as likely to catch swine flu.
It's a little worrying considering Qatar wants to vaccinate 180 000 students next week with the seasonal flu shot, which may be counter-productive to their goals of limiting the spread of H1N1 virus. Canada has put their seasonal flu shots on hold until their research can provide more conclusive results.
The below article is certainly worth a read for all parents with school-going children.
... in the world dying of seasonal flu then of swine flu. I can't see why the government should decide to MAKE our kids have the jab. I am so against it that it makes my nails curl! If they want to crack down on it they should have had proper control at the airports - like most developed countries do now. We went through thorough screening when arriving in Portugal and had a leaflet handed to us as well with info about symptoms and what to look out for. They should just check and make sure that people who travelled during Eid were checked out upon arrival - and that those children should get a clearance certificate before going back to school. Why should we suffer if we stayed in Doha and did not travel? The schools might be off for next week as well as the incubation period is 7 days and one week off is not enough to guarantee no contaminations at schools.
Mira, thank you for posting, I'm totally against vaccinations in any case !!! And this coming flu vaccinations is just a money making scam ,harming many people :(
The overall risk from the flu is very very small among all but a few select groups of people - the elderly, those with compromised immune systems, premature babies, etc.
There have been many reported complications with the flu vaccines, including Guillain Barré Syndrome. I have a friend who was hit with GBS after receiving the shot and it is horrible.
I've never had the flu - either by good health or good luck - and don't see the need to risk contracting from teh flu shot itself. Neither my kids nor I will receive the vaccine - period. I'll let the rest of the world serve as guinea pigs!
Good info..Thanks dor sharing. Seasonal strains of flu virus change every year, so one vacine may not be the answer for all flu viruses..
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.