What is beter kawai or yamaha and which 1 of these 2 sounds closer to a real grand tell me the best best!!!
Which 1 is btter yamaha or kawai and which sounds better and closer to the real grand piano and which is the best for practicing on and Natural wood and all that bla bla bla
im a begginer i want to it to stay with me long enough like 10 years at least.
ur the experts tell me :D
on youtube they kinda conivinced me that kawai digital pianos are better then yamahas i dont know im im mistaken u guys help me :D
for starters take a portable ones like yamaha, when your an expert take the grand ones, kawai and yamaha you cant distinguished the diff not unless ur an expert like in the conductor level hehehe, my father can play keyboards he uses yamaha PSR's series then shift to korg.
you are a beginner. Why worry about this now. Wait until you can play, then worry. Now you have to worry about where to get one.
Question ... Can you get a Kawai fixed here if anything goes wrong?
Hard decision to make! Without a doubt, i would go for Yamaha.