Small children and glue
Many years ago when I worked in a playgroup in the UK, we taught the children to apply glue to the pictures they had cut out before sticking them onto a background. Since I've been in Doha I have encountered what I find to be a surprising number of small children who spread the glue all over the background rather than on the cut-out piece. This is both wasteful of glue and incredibly messy. If they're sticking pictures into a book then the book has to remain open until the glue has dried to prevent the pages sticking together.
I'm puzzled. Is someone teaching them to put the glue in the wrong place or are they not being taught at all? Or is it a cultural thing like whether you teach them to write their names in capital or lower case letter?
Would anyone like to share their views with me?
not to pick their nose while playing with glue :O)
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
Kids love to play and smear things.. They just find it enjoyable..
Shyatap everyone!!!
- A study Conducted by FriedBeef - Vol III (January,2009)
wasting glue AND messy by Jove!! what little terrors! My word! they'll come out with straight A's in their A levels but won't get to Uni 'cos they spread the glue over the paper and not on the back!! Heaven forbid..its a disgrace I tell 'ya!!
I thought this was about Glue sniffing children.....
Squarepeg...have you tried to "understand" why they do that?
because, Its easier for children to do that...and they would keep doing that unless they realise that the page could get stuck to the page in front ...destroying their "Art".
The question is how would you make them "realise" that the pages get stuck?
Show them how it happens in a funny way ...and they never forget.
just tell them not to glue their testicles to their legs.
on their clothes u gona open another forum
stop moaning