How to get rid of your Neighbor’s Dog

my Neighbor has a dog and it is a meness to us. Cannot have an Afternoon nap the dam dog is barking. cannot go to the pentahouse, it is full of Dog $hit. All the water tanks are at the penthouse as well. further this Dog $hits in the parking area. they take the dog in the lift and the no one can get in to the lift for an hour, it stiks.
We complained to the real estate people but they have not taken any action. can some one tell me if there is a way or a pleace in Qatar where i can make a complaint and get red of this dog.
Please help.
malitha i will train you sometimes to clean the dog poo and stay with a lots of dog inside room or we go at the vets boarding pacility and just stay with lots of dog.
Noise Begets Noise
Dogs, when excited, forget all about discipline and dog training. The dog can bark non-stop until he or she eventually tires out. If you can't afford to wait for the dog to calm down, might as well give it a dose of its own medicine. Grab a used can of soda and insert several coins. Shake the can to check its noise level. When the dog begins a lengthy barking episode, throw the can with force. The clanking noise will shock your dog, in effect, silencing the poor critter. Give the mutt a good meal after, so he or she won't feel bad.
I might suggest speaking to the owner and buying ear plugs for naps. SO much easier than killing the dog.
The dog knows that malitha belongs to the group of smelly people.
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Graduated from Xavier Institute for Higher learning
Every problem can be solved in a diplomatic manner so I suggest you talk to your neighbor regarding your problem about their pet
Go take a dump outside their apartment..
Why dont you speak to the dog first, voice your complaint to the dog and see what it says. who know you two might hit it off and elope to a far away country and live happily ever after.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
You asked how to get Rid of the dog.
I can only think of one way.
put some ajinomoto into a piece of bread then let their dog eat it..
oh i love dog and barking i have no comment for you if you wont go to the owner and tell them men soooooory
Try speaking to the dog owner first or gift the owner a scooper :-/.
Not sure if the Baaladiya does anything about such matters.
Hire a dog napper :)
hasn't responded to your complaints - from the sound of things you live in an apartment which don't normally allow dogs...
Why have you not spoken to your neighbour? Personally, I cannot believe that the situation is this bad. Most people are aware that animals are not welcome in this country and gernally try to keep their dogs to themselves.
Am also curious.. are you the only one that has complained? If others have complained to the real estate angent, then by now they would have done something... again, personally I don't believe the situation is as bad as you are portraying and you are over reacting to it.
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME