Exit Visa Validity Period

By rockinghamraider •
Are exit visas valid from the day they are issued or the day of travel? So say I could be issued with a EP today but not travelling till tomorrow - would it expire a week today or a week tomorrow?
big fraud...employer always have an upper hand and can lodge a police complaint and stop you at the Airport despite you hold the valid exit permit.
I know, but can the employer revoke/cancell the exit permit for any rason? I know that a multiple exit permit may be revocated.
the date of issue that is TODAY !
Exit permits are vailid for SEVEN DAYS / one week
Exit permits are vailid for SEVEN DAYS / one week
Exit permits are valid for ONE WEEK / 7 DAYS.
Can the employer cancell an Exit permit once issued? Or it will just expire after one week?
nite_rider is correct, exit permit is valid for one week.
valid for one week
The copies of the Exit Permits we receive from our sponsor, reflect the expiration date at the top right hand corner.