I Need Help

Here is my real story I have changed real names and figures but the dates are same may be you people will take me as a silly woman but whatever happened to me my fault was only that I tried my best to pass the time with this man
My name is ABC . I was living in Doha with my family since last 11 years. My husband works in a refinery. he is a senior technician .I have four small children ages between 11 and 6. I had been teaching in a Pakistani school with the permission of my husband.(he was very OK with my job) On 13th of July 2009, my principal called me in his office and said he got a call from CID that my Resident Permit has been cancelled I was shocked and certain that it was some kind of misunderstanding I called my husband right there and asked him to inquire about this misunderstanding but he told me that the call was not fake and he has cancelled my RP a day before and in the same call he said now he is trying to gather the info if he can renew it or not .I asked him why but he said I ll explain in the evening that was around 12.30 noon I reached home as usual at 1.40 shocked and crying quietly and knocked my door as my children were used to reach home 40/45 minutes earlier than me(since few weeks because of the change of their school timings) but that afternoon they were not there....In panic I called my husband again and asked him where the children were he said I am busy right now I will talk to u after reaching home in the evening I was awfully worried I immediately called some of my old friends and asked them to come to my house or help me by any mean I even talked to Pakistan embassy there was one man named Abd ur Razzak and the other was Sharafat Hussain(real names). but I didnt called the police because I was thinking that my husband definitely will come back home with children in the evening and he is only teasing me like always, the shock of cancellation of RP was nothing as compare to my missing children…when he came around 5.30 he said he has sent children to Karachi and showed me the exit msgs from img. dept on his mobile...I was shocked unexplainably I asked him why did he do so, (we had no quarrelling or anything for many days)….he did not reply any thing special he just said he was the father and he can send them anywhere....and he said that CID will arrest me if I will not go to Karachi as soon as possible. I said I didn’t commit any crime and I will not go anywhere without my children, then one of his friend invited us to his house and more friend to talk.....there everybody asked him why did he do this with his innocent children and wife they asked him to bring the children back but he said because my RP is cancelled so it is better I also join them in Karachi spend our vacations there and come back.....they asked him where the children are he said not in his mother’s house but he sent them with the staff of Gulf Air and a person named AAA has picked them form Karachi and they are at his house. His friends said your daughter is 11 years old how can a father do like this but he said that man is reliable .....I had no idea who the AAA was never heard that name AAA. I was too tense, his friends asked him to ask AAA to leave the children at his mother or my mother’s house as then at least they will be with their chacha (husband’s brother) or mamoo (my brother)....as his friends forced him to do so he promised that AAA will bring children to his mother’s house which is in dastgeer (an area in Karachi) and from there my brother will take them to my mothers house where I was arriving the next day, he showed me my ticket he had booked my seat in qatar airways for 15th or 16th of July ....the next moring my brother reached his house here in karachi and asked his mother that XYZ bhai has sent him to collect the children his mother said they do not know anything about children they are still with that man AAA....my brother called me and I called again all the friends who were involved ....I and they asked my husband now what to do he contacted that man and inform us that now he is saying I will handed over the children only to their mother....now you must leave if u want children....friends asked him, that guy's number but my husband said he himself contacts us means my husband himself cannot contact him he gave me one cell no. of karachi and whenever I called at that number there was a record that the number is not valid my husband said it is because that man's brother is in CID so it is kind of a secret number he will come to know by himself that someone is trying to call or sms him and then he will contact us back....then he made me talk to that man he was continuously repeating that he will give children only to me .....so his freinds said that we all are responsible people your husband cannot cheat us all so u go inshaallah all will be fine, go to Karachi take your children from Karachi airport and after one month or so come back to Doha and forget this incident. My husband was swearing as well , so with a very heavy heart just to meet my children I left Doha on 16th of July 2009....when I came out from Karachi airport no children were there....I called again to my husband and few friends he said now that man is saying I am afraid your wife or his brother will bring police so I am not going to give kids but I will send them back to Doha after 2 weeks myself. It was the end of the world for me I was dieing I begged my husband I tried every promise that we will not take any action against any1 just give me my kids back but my husband said now that man is not even listening to him....I asked him if he has his home address but he said he only knows gulshan e iqbal (town name only)nothing else.....I went to gulf air office immediately in hope of getting some info abt the person who had received my kids because my husband told us that he sent children through gulf air I asked for their record they showed me full lists of passengers but there were no names of my children. Then I went to so many places hoping someone will help me like Qatar embassy and Qatar airways right from the airport but they all said it is not that easy and they all told me long processes ....the same day almost after three hours my husband called me and said AAA called him and he has sent children to Dubai and within half an hour they will reach to Doha airport and within 25 minutes my husband called again that he has collected my children from airport and now they are going home he made me talk to them but for a very short time....now my children are in Doha and I am in Karachi trying all the means to reach there but still unsuccessful....he has done something with my landline number in Qatar nobody answers there...my in laws relatives told me here that on those dates my mother in law called few relatives who work on airport to receive the kids but they excused that they do not want to be the part of this cruel game and kidnapping but they didn’t have any contact from me so they were not able to inform me.....I have been married since last 13 years and I never told to any1 about anything regarding my household matters including every kind of torture I faced during this period I have two daughters and did not want to disgrace my husband in front of people ....I still feel ashamed to tell anybody about all this but now my husband has crossed all the limits he played a well planned drama with me.My e mail is already too long and will take enough of your precious time so I will not discuss past issues here....the most important thing for me now are my children I cant live without them and if I will not get them soon I dont know I will die.....I request you in the name of ALLAH HIS PROPHET MOHAMMAD PBUH and humanity plz help me in this matter....please give me your suggestion what to do and how to arrange my visa for Qatar or send my children to Karachi.( few people talked one agent on behalf of me my visa was almost ready but when he asked my husband to collect it he denied….he made it cancel with red stamp).....I still do not want any divorce etc for the sake of my children but I just want my children and my home back.
My husband daily goes to duty leaving my children asleep and unattended, if something happens like short circuit or fire etc who will be responsible.
My husband tortured me like anything for all these 13 years. In all these years he behaved like a mentally sick patient. But I was quiet because he was the father of my children and the earner of the family. But now I appeal to you all to help us, else mine and my four children’s life will be ruined.
(my husband altered the img.dept. exit messages and changed two or three digits in each ID but I found one old paper in my mother’s house and found the correct IDs in that paper. He went to board my luggage first without me and took the keys of the locks as well that customs might ask him to open up the suitcases and there he took out all the documents health cards etc from my suitcases. At home,He took 3 heavy gold sets and 12 gold bangles by saying that these are for our daughters and Karachi is an unsafe place so leave these to me but that time my mental condition was so rough that I did not argue. I asked him to buy me few things for children before leaving Doha because I was thinking I definitely will get my children as per his promise. he took me to AL Mira from there I bought my kid’s favourite chocolates, baby shampoo etc I packed their holiday home work their readers that I will make them prepared in vacations and my husband assisted me so naturally I didn’t have any idea that hes playing a horrible game )
I Appeal Her Highness Shaikha Mozah and the whole Foundation please for the sake of ALLAH help me I cant live without my children they are small they love me a lot they are missing me I will die without them they are my life Please bring my children back to me. Or u will be answerable to ALLAH. I sent my children to school normally I never saw them again till now. This is cruelty of their father please give me Justice.
I appeal Pakistan embassy to do the needful in this regard and request them to arrange a visa for me.I contacted Dr.Mansoor Rizvi (attaché for community affairs embassy of Pakistan ) but he didn’t take any notice and said what he could do.
I am afraid that if he leaves Qatar without telling anyone I wont be able to find my children ever again. He never used to let me touched my children’s or even mine passports he always kept them secretly but I thought its OK may be as the head of the family he feels good like this so let him to. I had no idea that he will do like this.he is always unpredictable during these 13 years but I never thought that he will do like this.Please tell me something that I get my children as soon as possible.
One more thing that I am very afraid of, is my husband is a very short tempered man. He used to beat me and my children horribly. My children are not safe with him. For his ego he will prefer to hurt them instead of giving me.
For every possible settlement I Email him several times, sms him. I asked him to forgive me if I was wrong somewhere,I told him many time that I ll never raise voice against him ever again no matter if he kills me I ll never let him down ill be like his servant in future but he is not responding I told him that I also will forgive him and forget everything I sent many people to him but everybody says he is not in mood to send my visa. ( I still am waiting for some kind of miracle which saves my home)
He is taking revenge of one incident which happened in the end of March this year during the visit of his mother (she just left a month before after her one n a half month stay) when one night he beated me fiercely in front of her and pushed me out of my house around mid night(Allah knows she didn’t stop him for a single time…just watched) I didnt had any abaya or any scarf my clothes were torn and my children were screaming inside the house I came back inside he again pushed me out dragging me by my hair and beating me I again came back he again did the same fourth or fifth time he locked the door behind him then I called at 999 and one constable came from Wakra police station he is the witness of my rough condition at that time he knocked my door my husband came out half sleepy constable asked him for my abaya and asked him to came out to talk then he asked me if I want a medical examination he said he will arrest my husband right there if I want but he also suggest that because of my small children I better forgive him I was also thinking the same so I forgave him but that constable made us sign a paper that we will take good care of each other .I asked him why do I sign the paper because I am the one whom he found tortured but my husband insisted that he would not sign if I will not sign that too. I took that step after 13 years of horrible torture I did not want to spend my night outside the house with torn clothes neither did I want to inform any friend because of the feeling of insult. After that incident I behaved even more nicely to him to calm him down but he schemed to send me to Karachi and you already know how he did that.
I cannot live like this without my children, I am so helpless. Legal procedures are very slow in Pakistan and Karachi is a very big city if he will bring them here may be I will never meet my children again.here everyone is asking to do “sabr” but for how long? If my children would be a little bigger I ll manage but they are small they used to eat, bath, change with my hands. They even used to sleep with me.)all four have only four years of age difference but I never kept any maid to nurse them as I loved to do all their chores by myself. Please save my life have mercy on me and help me to meet my children by telling me the possibilities . I faced all kind of heartbreaking and shocking surprises and cheats but I never was prepared for this one. my children are my only wealth and all four are cesarians. I would have never left Qatar without them if he had not sent them to Karachi before me. Now I am like a dead body every second is like hours for me without them. If nobody will help me then more husbands will try to steal their kids from mothers. All mothers are same weather they are Pakistani or Qatari.. I need nothing to live I just want my children, those are my kids I have four scars on my stomach I gave birth to them. For the sake of my kids I spent my 13 years with a guy who never let me live peacefully. I gave my 11 years to Qatar I never commit any crime I was doing my job for the sake of my children if other husbands would also steal kids when their wives are on duty then no single women in Qatar would do any JOB….are we alone to guard our kids?....why nobody can help me….why everyone is asking for long processes to a woman who is already half dead. Is there no especially issued visas for a helpless woman like me?…I promise I would not do any shopping in Qatar I would not eat more than once in a day I would only start my efforts to get my kids and my ruined home back. Please help me and please guide me what should I do please send me any Email address and phone number of any lawyer I am ready to pay anything … Today its been almost a month I havnt see my kids. I was living for them and now they are without me eating from hotels and restaurants. They are having throat infections but I am not there to comfort them.. Please for Allah’s sake do something.
I also want to ask that airline which took my children that why did they allow to travel my children without my permission? Why they didn’t ask my husband for my death certificate? Why airlines do not ask for the written permission of both the parents? Why they didn’t ask where their mother is? Can they guess what they have done with my life?. Why it is so easy to take children away from their mothers? And why it is too difficult to bring them back to their mother? I just don’t want to live I have no reason to live now I was living for my children and now they are not with me. I want to hug them I want to kiss them but due to that red stamp I cant….please if any person with some authority reads this plz contact me on my e mail and tell me the possibilities or suggestions or guidance.
May Allah keep yours and mine children safe amen Maasalamah.
read the other topic of forum I NEED HELP(a mother explaining)
she is true......that's for sure.
she should contact to a lawyer. is there any law by which she can get the custody of her children if he doesn't divorce her????? just a question came to my mind...
Kool she's a nigerian pakistani, who has visa problem and might need some money...tell me should i transfer you money through western union?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Speed where are you? A help her...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
emn ...was it in Hindi font or hindi in english alphabets?
If it was in hindi font ...its easy using Google translate...even then we can find out according to the slangs & gramer...etc
I want to apologize for all these ppl who are making fun of your agony..I believe you because I have a friend who is in a similar situation. She is married to a psycho like your husband and her life is another soap opera. please do try to reach Asma Jhangir.
May Allah help you.
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.
Malcolm X
I think after looking at their profile, that it is one of those infamous Nigerian scam artists who will then start asking for money...just like all of those scam emails we receive in our junk mail boxes from Nigeria...and don't forget about all of those numerous sms and missed phonecalls to scam money from us...
Bottom line...profile does not match the story...
Try to get in touch with Asma Jahangir, she is a great lawyer and human rights activist. She has really helped women in similar situations.I found her email address for you its [email protected].
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.
Malcolm X
Perhaps you should PM Speed , who is head of the QLVG and member of the Pakistani Group.
He may be able to offer advice on who to contact etc.
Good luck
she might be using someone else's laptop...
who is a nigerian welder looking for a job in qatar...
but if he's looking for a job in qatar then he's not in qatar...he's in nigeria....so that woman is in nigeria!!!!
The story lacks good composition , i didn't beleive aaa's acting , he was so much better in "million dollar baby",,,,i give it 4/10 :D
One summer night, going to the pier,
I ran into two young girls.
The blonde was called Freedom,
The dark one, Enterprise.
oh! these people!
have a plan, and stick to it!
ohh too long to read.. i was only at midway.. try to read tomorrow..
jackmo.....she typed in hindi before and it was moderated my MOD.
she knows hindi i can confirm that.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
I can understand request for help....but logging in as
Id Davedwller real name xyz...ok identity hidden..ok understandable but:
Nigerian original Pakistan
Profession welder real profession teacher
Suddenly the lady forgets the keyboard has Caps!
Ok talk in hindi...or any other local language you know...lets see how true you are?
Try to get the help of media in pakistan and simulatniuosly contact your well wishers here, those who are already involved in this matter.
in the West who feel and go through the exact same thing when the courts give the children to the mother, and she decides to move 5000 kilometers away....it just sucks,.
not commenting anything
as rms00 says, you can get a visit visa to Qatar. I'm not sure the children WERE on the airplane...be very easy to hide kids here in Doha and just TELL you they are gone to Pakistan. The husband isn't just an szzhole, he's a criminal. That's kidnapping in any other part of the world, however, here in the middle east, the father has complete control of what happens, so I've read. He didn't need the mother's permission to send the kids (if he did) to anywhere he wishes. He's also physically abused both the wife and children...that IS against the law.
Why don't you contact the agency for Women and Children here in Doha. They are specifically made to help wives and children who are abused and mistreated.
Now that is all on the assumption that this is true...one thing you need to also take into consideration is that perhaps the lady who posted this, couldn't get on her own computer but borrowed the identity of someone else who was nice enough to help her.
I'm assuming none of us knows what it would be like to go through something horrific like this. This person isn't asking for money or items, but help. What does it hurt to offer some? Advice is free.
A good friend helps you up when you fall. A best friends pees their pants laughing and trips you again!
I can't believe how cynical you people are.
Whetehr its genuine or not. Why not treat it initially as a plea for advice from a distraught mother.
Give her your advice and step out...
this is a message from a desperate mother..
ROFL....xpressodoc ....I literally fell off my chair....
ok..usually people here dont trust Nigerians.......i dont blame them.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
So you are a welder looking for a job in Qatar?
You should be doing the Tribeca one minute film....your talents lie there....lol
yes Lously.... I really wonder whats their intetnion in posting such things here...
[Mod note: English on main forum]
Davewelder from Nigeria lol........i forot to go through ur profile.
this is obviously a scam.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
On the top u will find CONTACT, press tat and inform the mods to remove this post, they will do the needful.
if it's true, oh gosh you're facing a big problem!
and i don't think anyone here can help you! it's better if you'll report the incident to the authorities in your country!
have a plan, and stick to it!
obviously i clicked on forums sir@darude
thanks ladycharm but now i want to remove this i didnt want to provide any entertainment to anyone plz guide me
obviously this person received this by forwarded mail.... it isnt written specifically for QL.. bcz in the writing (as i read it all) the woman says, i am writing this email with teh hope of someone helping.. or something like that.. so i guess it was aimed to go on as a chain where someone out there might be of help
i have tried so many times nothing like that appeared on my screen. like open QL page and it asks me to submit a topic. No its unless you CLICK ON IT>
OK thanks guys
would anyone plz just tell me how to remove this post?
darude u just try t urself i ve told what happened i clicked forum one page opened submit a topic the next clomn was subject where i inserted I NEED HELP the next colmn was body where i pasted this case and previewed and then submitted
oh because the system doesnt accept spammers thats why your email wasnt accepted.
Oh, so in the same country you have a davewelder. Interesting!
i wanted to post my own e mail add [email protected] but i dont know why the system is not accepting...plz giude me how to remove this post....i wanted help not the fun
YOU mean you were sent invitation from QL with that ID and you were chosen owner of this ID.
that id and name was allotted to me automatically by the site....and this is not entertainment sir...i want to remove it now i dont want to make fun of it
Wats the point of posting this big history ?
Can u explain in one sentence, wat exactly you want ?
One of the biggest post i ever read in QL !
You can come here on visit visa if your RP is canceled.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
-Mahatma Gandhi..
I just noticed the name. Well, we are getting a lot of entertainment this week, aren't we?
i suggest to get in touch with the local media in pakistan...tell them your story may be the influencial people will come forward to help.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
but i think you better write a book on your life story.
Too long read...
Pitstop...did you check the profile? not matching to this story...
Strange story. I will need to re-read the whole thing again, as I lost myself a couple of times in between.
Inshallah Allah gives you patience to gain control of yourself and the strength to decide on what is best to do.