First H1N1 flu death in Qatar

First H1N1 flu death in Qatar
A 36-year-old Qatari man diagnosed with H1N1 flu has died, HE the Minister of Health and Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Health Abdullah Khalid al-Qahtani said yesterday.
It was the first death from the pandemic flu in the country.
The man was said to be suffering from acute pneumonia and high temperature when he was brought to Hamad General Hospital on July 26.
Hospital sources said the patient was admitted following arrival from Dubai where he had been suffering from flu-like symptoms for a week and had visited a hospital twice.
He was diagnosed with the H1N1 virus at the Hamad hospital and was moved to intensive care immediately.
The patient was said to be obese, which is considered one of the risk factors that could increase the probability of contracting H1N1 flu.
The Supreme Health Council said that all previous H1N1 cases in Qatar had been cured without the need of admittance to hospital, and “the health condition of the victim’s family members is being followed on daily basis,” according to a QNA report.
LOL, can be MD.
As far as my accomodation is paid by postdated check, they only forgot the last part of the sentence.
"We think it is not swine flu, go home! (and die alone)"
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
eu, I heard the swine flu test costs 200 EURO. I think that's why they sent you home!
Dubai hospital tested him but he came to Qatar driving hes car not by Air.
May he rest in peace!!
Inna Lillah e Wa Inna Elaihe Raaje'oon.
Its Alarming here as well now.
Whenever I find the KEY to SUCCESS...Someone STEALS it.
Im not sure if they are professionals.
I came with flu to Hamad hospital.
"Where are you from?"
"Have you been in Spain recently?"
"yes, two weeks ago"
Wait a minute....
(after 45 minutes)
"Do you know there were confirmed cases in Spain?"
"Yes, I read newspapers"
"Do you have fever?"
"do you have nausea?"
"do you feel tired?"
Wait a minute...
(after 45 minutes)
"We think it is not swine flu, go home!"
Not a blood test, not a temperature test...
At least the nurse was very nice :)
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
H1N1 is not transmitted by eating pork products. Get your facts straight.
More people are dying of regular flu worldwide than H1N1.
Is H1N1 serious? Yes. However, if people would follow some simple steps (washing their hands, using a tissue or sneezing/coughing into their sleeves etc.) the risk factor does go down. Goodness, look at all the people in Qatar who don't use tissues, who spit in the street, etc. it's disgusting (and yes, there are people like that elsewhere, but it's not socially acceptable).
As a matter of contrast, how many people have been seriously injured or killed in Doha in preventable traffic accidents since the H1N1 scare started?
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
it's all over europe
but strange enough when i was in europe, like no one cared!
anyway prepare to be infected this fall/winter
billions will be. pray it's a s soon as possible since till now it's mild form has not mutated.
I`d like to ask is there H1N1 Really or not cause all over Europe there was nothing, life is smooth & they still eat Pork without any fearing.
yes i do think they're professional. but what i want to know: "is all the truth is being told?"
isn't there previous fatalities unmentioned?
was the number of h1n1 cases only 14?
a weekly bulletin from the ministry of health should report the evolution of the case: number of
1-suspicious cases
2-confirmed cases
14 cases i think were monitored.
and no they won't send him home unless they give him a private plane! normal airline will be full of passengers.
Are they "professionals" at HMS??
that's new!! where did they get that?
any Dr on the plane...oh sorry, in QL?
From what I understand HMS is taking all the appropriate steps to deal with H1N1
every_mothers, thats a good question.
I dont have answer, only my opinion.
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
I am also going on a diet...
might be usefull but the point is what will they do to the person who fails the test.
Are the suppose to send him/her back?
Will they be hospitalised in Qatar?
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
I saw in Doha airport and the woman behind the screen was yawning repeatdly.
Do you think it will be usefull?
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
there was a article a couple of days ago that all the air and sea entry ports in UAE will be equiped with cameras which can detect high temp in human body.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
You can't teach experience...
The Dubai hospital should have tested him. How was he allowed to travel in such a condition, putting the health of other travellers at risk?
May your dreams take you travelling all through your life.
why is it that dubai hospital have not detected that he has a H1N1 already?