QPO Children Opera Thursday 23rd of July.

If you and your kids looking for something to do tomorrow, there will be Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra performing children opera Hansel and Gratel (spelling?) tomorrow in Aspire. First show at 3pm then second show at 5.30pm. I went to their rehearsal today. The 6 soloist from German sings really good. Songs would be in German, few conversation converse in English. If you dont understand German the opera still entertaining for the kids. I highly recommend to watch it. Tickets QR 75 for adult and QR 25 for kids.
Why does Qatarliving post this flipping retard?! Wow. What a moron.
Dear Novita, "more info please"!!!
Ok got it.
We'l see if will be able to manage it.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
the rock, you will have to keep her quiet during the show ... :)
sorry for the edit (thought it would be quick enough b4 a reply =)
Well, she dosen't cry usually but gets excited sometimes and tries to sing a long in her loud baby language =)
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
yup, she loves the singing n colors but just asking to make sure if it would be embarrasing if she starts crying or is making too much noise. not been to a orchestra before so just asking to be sure.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
to be honest rock, there will some shouting and loud singing. Never meet your kid, so dont know how she/he would react.
the rock, 18mths old wont understand the story much. But there will be alot of singing and colourful costumes.
hmm, is it appropriate to bring my 18 month old?
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
yes i know ... today would be their last gig and like any other expats, we all need a break from the sandpit :)
nice talking to you FB :)
Problem though... half of them may have left the country for holidays. They will, by next week.
Lol novita...
Think as a male (hence, not with your brain), and when you see the list, the A will appear +- 4 x, yet notice F, listed it may be in combination with M.
FU ... i been opening again the musicians name list given out to the audience when thet played their first gala concert. To be honest i never put notice their name mostly start with 'A' till you mentioned it today ...
But then again how do I know which one of then who dont speaks? I know most of them speaks ...
Tomorrow going to ask them one by one which are these stunning violist that Funiculus having crush on .... :o)
Dude, Novita... NO....my parents were hippies... at least that what is what you'd think when you'd meet me. No, they are/were Dutch protestants that have been raised by the bible.
ok, I'll give you a hint to 'nosey'-satisfy you. There are 4 with the same name (at least very similar) all play violin, and all are 'pictures', one of them (my dear friend) speaks, but is not, and this is without a doubt the most exotic one. Although, some may be intimidated by her.
Inderdaad niet slecht voor een beginner die Duitsers als Oosterburen heeft Magic.
Von mein haus, wann ich viel zuviel trinke, kann ich Deutschland reinpinkeln. Etwas, was Ich sehr gerne betrieb
From my house, when I drink too much, I can piss into Germany. Something, I like to do.
What was it again Proto-Indo-European?
why would you want come an hour late, the show is only about 90 mins long.
Got it 5:30pm. But Novita thats too early. I will still be engaged with my office work. But can I gain entry ..say an hour late?
FU : You have turned my 'nosey mode' on ...
*wondering now*
PS : Does your parents still having culture of 'arrange marriage' ??? :P
Hahahahah Novita,
Unfortunately I am not allowed to date Germans :-P
(I must say, that one of them speaks it, but is not... but that would ruin a friendship)
So, no. Not interested.
Ohhhh for crying out loud edifis.
But what time is the show?
you cheat Edifis ! you edited your post !!! :o) Now i had to edited mine.
QPO concert hall located just next door to villagio on the foodcourt end (inside aspire building). You can just turn up half an hour before the show and get the ticket on the door.
see you tomorrow ?
OK,Novi,.... thats better! Now I can breath a sigh of relief again!
Look I have edited that now! But it was not me, another QL'er gave that name!
Where is the QPO opera and how to get the ticket?
not yet edifis ... but you mentioning --- have a tendency going there.
i never said you are unwanted ... lets talk about music ? maybe come to the QPO opera tomorrow and watch this show ?
Novita, did I ruin the thread?
I am so upset now! You make me feel so unwanted! Now I need someone to express my grief.......
MD, I don't kno wich language. But I had a book in which the witch was named "Baba Yaga". And the old hag was just like the witch in Hansel & Gretel!
I am trying to find a "Baba Yaga" picture but can't find it!
FU : You having a crush with one of these musicians ???
Nicht schlecht fuer'n Anfang, Funiculus. (Not bad for the beginning). Do you see how similar these two languages are? If you like it or not. Even your Queen has German roots.
edifis, with respect ... i am asking you nicely not to ruin my thread.
Hmmm.. Novita
Are these ladies names starting with an A?
It seems that the person that hired them, the ladies, really like one name in particular as they have many of this name.
OK QPO....is very good QPO zeendabaad QPO...QPO,QPO,QPO!
Yes, edifis. GET OUT!
Du hast recht, es gab unglaubliche Fehler. Whoops, zurueck nach Schule. Ich kann mich gluecklich schaetzen die deutsche Sprache zu sprechen, 'ne bischen.
Hmmm, actually an insight... my German is deteriorating like hell.
***note to self***
Buy German books.
edifis, wrong thread, this is my QPO thread.
speak for yourself MD ... :o)
Musicians are always "hot", no matter if female or male!
Magic Dragon , she is amazing. 14 yo and have a powerful voice like that.
Some people are lucky have a gift having a good voice. Musical skills you can learn and mastered it, but good singing voice either you have it or you dont.
Which language, edifis?
FU, that was the same night.
Yes I know some of them outside the forum. They are all nice people. Funny enough, i met them through this forum as well.
Lol about your 'hot ladies' comment. I know alot of these musicians reading this forum as well. FACT ! :P
The "Baba Yaga" chicken legged tree house is very mystifying!
No, not particular Star Wars, they did a night where they played only movie-tunes.
The narrator, I though he may have been a stand in as he was hardly understandable and his sense of humor highly disputable.
Other than that, great performance.
I actually know half of these people, very very very nice lads & ladies. (and some very very hot ladies)
Deutsch, einfache Sprache. Nicht ganz kompliziert. That would look much better. English = simple language. Rocket science is an invention of the German ingenieur, sorry, engineer, Wernher von Braun.
I like the Baba Yaga!
Excuse me Magic,
English to Germans = Rocket Science.
(however I must say that it has become better)
Deutsch, einfage sprache. Nicht ganz compliciert.
I dont think my son started it because he want to imitate me, he started it because his mammy say so :P.
yes i plays now and again for pleasures. Once I teach him to play the melody of 'The Entertainer', then one day he goes to his piano lesson with one of QPO pianists when he come out he told me that his teacher plays alot better than me :o) Off course she is ... lol
His new school in the UK have guitar lesson as one of after school activities. He asked wether he can try 'guitar'. I said he can try 'guitar' but he still have to continue his 'piano'. Lets see which one will have his interest more :)
Have you listened to Thia? Amazing!
My son started, too. He "saw" it from me and, of course, imitated that. Now he does it because he likes it. Do you still play sometimes?
i plays piano myself, graduate royal exam grade 5, not as good as your guitar tho :).
yes music is an art ... would like my son to pick up one of the instrument for the long term achievement.
You are too kind, dear novi. But I love it, and that's what matters.
seen you playing your guitar. I honestly think you are 'awesome' :) x
I used to have a band and made music for around 25 years. We rehearsed everyday for 5 to 6 hours just to entertain drunkards on the weekend. Music is an art, you know.
FU : Thank you for the link ! :)
FU, are you referring to that starwars QPO night? i agree the narrator was boring. My son so excited to come because he want to listen to the starwars music, but then because of the long winded narrator he fast asleep on my knee before the starwars pieces (which was on the second half of the concert) even start.
The German language is highly sophisticated, Funiculus, and only few can master it!
i know the story MD ... it is just there is a slightly differences from the story i know. I always being told that the parents is a wood cutter, but on this opera is a broom maker.
haensel, gretel, father, mother, the witch, the sandman are played by soloist that being flown in from German. Obviously the music play by our national Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra.
Been watching the opera taking it shape from the audition, making the props and the rehearsals for the past 2 weeks. Did not realize so many hardwork involved in it.
PS: You are such a hardworking person, eventhough in the weekend :o)
The Movie-Music night was kinda cool, but it took too long for me *zzzzzz*, it lacked spice. Living let die - was amazing... and from there on it went downhill. Hence, I skipped.
Also the narrator should have a one-way ticket to Germany.
Unfortunately, novi, I work 'til 8:30. But I will answer any of your questions anytime. By the way, Haensel und Gretel are sent into the forest because their parents cannot feed them anymore. There they find the witch house made of cookies. The witch wants to eat Haensel and feeds him everyday. In the end they push the witch in the oven. When I was small I cried about this. Hope you don't tomorrow.
come with us tomorrow and translate all those german songs for me and my husband please ....
Gern geschehn! (Ahlan wa sahlan)
thank you Magic Dragon !!! :o)
Haensel und Gretel.