Labour law vs contract
been in Doha for a bit and might have an oportunity to relocate somewhere else for work reasons.
My contract is for 1 year and states 3 months notice period.
Looking into the labour law act it states that if I have worked for less than a year in the companbject to 1 week notice...
Would the labour law prevail over the contract or I will have to stick to the contract?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
It is according to the contract. But remember, If you have not completed two years in the country, you cannot change sponsorship.
place... if you have a contract... whatever the company decides in the end... falls into place:-) (and I mean, even if that doesn't comply with your contact)
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
hmmm.. i dont have a contract with my employer.. on employment offer.. the notice is atleast a month or a week but you see... they only gave me few hours.. hows that??
i agree with Amici... as u have already agreed with the terms of ur employment contract the time u joined therefore ur empl contract should prevail..!!!
thanks Amici for your reply... but the point is that the law seem to say that less than 1 year = 1 week!?!?
- You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity -
you have to follow the employment contract. the law will be followed if there is no provision for this subject. and also as long as the provision in the employment contract is not axactly unconscionably against the law, then the employment contract should prevail.