Teenager recovers in hospital after surviving

A miraculous escape !
The father of a teenage girl who remarkably survived a plane crash off the Comoros islands has described how his daughter was ejected from the plane into the Indian Ocean.
"She didn't feel a thing. She found herself in water"
"She could hear people talking, but in the middle of the night she couldn't see a thing. She managed to hold on to a piece of something"
May be it's not a miracle, its God's will... Let's pray for her speedy recovery..
Amazing.. simply amazing..
some people survive the worst accidents and some people die in sleep...yea ofcourse its God's will!
Hope she gets well fast....
Still Survival is a bitter sweet thing though, she apparently lost her mother on that flight.
Obviously it is a happy reunion, but it will be very difficult for her, as you know the media are going to be all over it like an "unbreakable" story, not really giving her nor her father the time they need to recoup and mourn a little.
All that said... miraculous indeed