Qatari Police... they treat every one equal

I've had several experiences with the Qatari Police and I must commend them for the professional job that they do...
They are patient, polite, mature and intelligent people.
If anyone harasses you and then uses the 'I will take you to the police' routine... don't fall for it...
The Qatari police are very professional and polite. If you've been harassed, don't hesitate to take the harasser to the cops or let the harasser take you to the cops... Once you go there, and if you have justice on your side and if you have not violated any rules... you can be sure of fair treatment.
Don't be worried even if your harasser is a Qatari, he is not going to get treated any differently from you...
For all those people who feel harassed, threatened, bullied... don't let language be a barrier in asking the Police for help
Just to narrate my personal experience, once I had a guy sending lewd SMS to my wife's mobile... I went to the Capital police station and I talked to a Captain. After a while, I got a call from the same Captain saying that he had brought the culprit to the station and he asked me if I wanted to register a formal complaint against him... I chose not to...
Another time I lost my purse at the Mosque and some good Samaritan returned it to the police station... the police then called up all the people who's business cards I had in my purse until they got me... and returned my purse AND all the money in it!!
Today, I got in to an argument with a Qatari guy... he threatened me that he would take me to the police... So I went to the police station instead... he followed me there... and the policeman there listened both of us through and settled the issue amicably, I walked out feeling that justice had been served... I just wanted the Qatari guy to know that the law will not treat him any different from an Indian...
I usually let these kind of things go by but the reason I took exception to today's episode was that my young son was with me when all this happened and he was scared and on the verge of tears... But I wanted him to see and learn that no one should harass you and get away with it...
Any judicial system in the world requires PROOF.
No PROOF = Not guilty.
In any country, if a woman comes and claims that a man raped her a few months ago, they won't be able to convict him unless she has some kind of proof.
Her words are never good enough,It's only a woman CLAIMING that he raped her. Any witnesses? Any material evidence?
I don't think you can blame the system
If someone is raped, that person ought to approach the law
I think in this case, the person just wanted to avoid the hassle...
Of course there's going to be a hassle
Blaming someone of rape is a big deal...
yes , thts gona be the result and the reason for not reporting.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
"she would have been jailed and deported framing prostitution."
That's a fault of the judicial system... not the Police...
Stone Cold, ????
We Qataris see it as the opposite: "It's not fair, the Qatari sure is wrong".
.... good to know...
No. Why would I single-out a specific nationality :)
... you think americans are to blame?
... you think americans are to blame?
for everything :-)
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Good, all except when comes decission making of who is right and who is wrong in traffic accident especially. Expat sure is wrong
... if the general ppl is not confident on police, then the first step to break the ice should be taken from the police... and it just can't be done by mare seminar/sympo....
Verisim.. Why didnt she file a complaint? because she wouldnt get justice!!! then what the s police for??
No need to worry?? thats when you have faith in the law and system. Here wht people advised the victim was 100% right. Had she complained , she would have been jailed and deported framing prostitution.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
If so, I hope to meet the good Police ppl only, because I prefer ppl treat me nice as I did always :-)
Pedro Pal
there are some good & nice policemen at there some bad too!
It would be unfortunate if you meet the odd one.:(
What do you expect the police to do when no one registers a complaint even?
If people are advising against lodging a complaint, its because the person in question may have or may seem to have something to hide.
Its unfortunate but in every society, there are situations where oppressed people are unable to turn to justice because they are worried about other consequences that it may have...
That's why I said... 'unless you have something to hide' and 'if you have abided by the law entirely', then you have no reason to worry...
Police here are very good in all aspect, except in the investigation.
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
fefe - You have a point there for sure. But I dont think its an excuse for denying justice to a victim. Police and the law should be efficient enough to find who is the genuine victim and who is not.
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... in gcc, overall, they maintain a triple standard (not even double !)...
PM ... you making me smile. I wrote my share so leave it as that :)
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Nice JOKE dude!!!
Write me your own RISK....KK
arien , i dont blame the police in this case. there are lots of single ladies who misuse their right by getting pregnant and later claimed that they got pregnant because they were raped. unfoutunatly,the police dont know which stories to believe.
action speaks louder than words
It was too late, there were comments from people who knows what would have happend even if it was reported.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
And it was too late...
I followed that thread...
But can you really blame the police for someone deciding or being advised not to approach the police? :-/
ha ha ha ...
well said....
funny but ironic....
We had a recent thread about a lady who got raped and every one was advising not to file a complaint to the Police. LOL
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
to all the police officers who are doing their jobs...
hats off to you mamang pulis..... Mabuhay
agree with u veri .. Qatar police r really good people ... once i got a very bad call ( i was almost at verge of tears)when i was handling a class ... eight years ago when i was new to qatar .. i imm called up police and after 15 minutes i got a call from them saying that they trace the place ... but since it was a public tel ... they couldnt get hold of the guy .. how ever they told that they will b tracing my calls for a week incase it repeats ... we were really happy at their efforts to trace the man ,... though he was neer traced cos he din call up again ...
and another instance was ... it was during sept 04 ... at around 3:00 am in morning we heard some sounds from the top of villa .. we were staying in a ground floor villa near indian embassy then and the top floor tenants were in india for vacation mom in law was on visit then and she told su that she has been hearing noices from 1 am ... we called the police they came within 10 minutes and went to top and forund one drunk english boy aged 19 years ... well they took him also my hubby to file the case ... later a qatari came and told us that guy was his nephew (who is on visit) and he was over drunk and mistook as his place and had no wrong intentions and asked us to take back the case.
and many such small incidents .. these r the once i could remember ...
wayn bataaqa?
meen kafeel??!?!
you think I can make that up... oh no... this really happened...
"Show Some ID" is never a good thing, no..:)
I'd call this fiction and a very exciting adventure, you and your friend won't ever forget..:)
I'm still laughing at your story telling!
you KNOW you are in trouble :-)) ROFL!!
I'll give you a nice experience...
You know that huge lawn in front of the Emiri Palace... that used to be a covered car park loooong back...
Once when I was about 12 and my parents were at the nearby mosque for Lailat ul'Qadr prayers... which you probably knows goes on till midnight and even later...
So my friends and I were running around in the parking lot creating a real commotion at close to midnight and I guess we were irritating the security guards who were probably trying to catch some sleep
Anyway, one of my friends (whom I met today actually after almost 15 years) really had to 'go' as in peepee... so we asked him to run to the toilet in the mosque but it couldn't wait that long... he had held on for a very long time cos he was busy playing...
Anyway, he decided to GO on in the parking lot of the palace :-))... and that I guess must have been the last straw
It all happened very quickly but as this guy was 'going' somewhere in the parking... there were loud noises and flashing lights as a police car rushed in with sirens blaring... my friend actually had to stop midway, poor guy...
the police car came to a screeching halt and security guards jumped out of the car with guns pointed at us and then I heard those words for the first time,"Wayn Bataaqa??!!"
I too take the side that the Qatari Police are doing a FANTASTIC job had my own share of calling the police to sort out an argument wit.... you guessed it... Qataris ...and the police came out in flying colours.Not sure of such good response frm the force if the same had happemed in my home country,with its many different states,I would really have to think twice abt reporting abt an upperclass citizen in his home station.
Thank you folks for sharing your positive experience, melodramas almost filled up QL to the brim, I was close to contemplating Prozac...:))
You are not a MAN unless you spend atleast one night in jail ;-)
It seems that you have this uncanny knack of getting into trouble...
And to think that I was alone...makes me feel better now :)
The police are very hesitant to let matters go further than they need to... i.e. legal actions and such... they try to mediate and resolve issues at their level as much as possible... which is nice... they are enforcing, adjudicating and prosecuting all at the same time :-)
I have had my first legal issue and when I went to give my statement, the 2 gents and the lady that were present were kind and compassionate. They even went as far as to say they couln't believe this guy was taking the matter further, but they have a job to do, and they had to do it - which I admire.
Hats off the Qatar's police service.
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
My name is not vermi...
I've been here a long long time
Enough to have had all kinds of experiences...
Including me and my friends being held at gun point by the Palace Guards :-))
Except for PCG And Novita who think otherwise, most people seem to agree that the police here are doing a good job
Although PCG says, 'some are nice but most are not'...but she hasn't backed it up with her personal experience...
Novita though seems to have had a genuinely bad experience, sorry bout that
Granted, there would be the odd bad experiences...
But so far we've had more Ayes than Nays and that says something...
I remember when I went to Dubai, we were told how the cops there often help anyone who has a flat tyre and we thot WOW... that's fantastic...
But the other day my wife and dad were in the car when they had a flat tyre here in Doha and a senior grade Qatari police officer stopped and changed it for them... and it was a real blessing cos otherwise my old dad would have had to do it in the searing heat...
Sometimes, when things go smoothly because someone is doing his or her job nicely, they tend to be taken for granted... I just wanted to do my bit to make sure that the cops here in Qatar who do a good job, get their fair bit of appreciation...
Yesterday when I went to the police station, my son was very distressed and scared with all the commotion the other guy had made... a policeman there went out of the way to talk in Hindi (not my native tongue but a 100 points to him for trying) and play with him a bit to calm him down...!!! I was blown away... I mean we are not talking a McDonalds or Burger King here... this is a police station and they want my son to smile... that is really something...
I'd like to point out what Faisal Essa who has worked for three years as a policeman said on this thread which talks volumes... the first target for us to help every one smile even if some one dosent respect us we see ladies flocking Al Jabour now? LOL!
I've had several experiences with the Qatari Police
What excatly do you do in Qatar vermi?? ;)
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
popcorngirl, many Qatari policemen work on the roundabouts and on the beat in Qatar.
agree with you !!
funny part is the cops hinting that u robbed ur own house...:(
Anywayz, sorry abt ur experience in this situation.
Cheers !!
Rizks, nothing funny about that.
novi, verry sorry bout ur experience with the police here.
ive never been in such a situation as u and my experince is base on the trafic police and not the criminal police.
i think they are 2 differant department. correct me if am wrong
action speaks louder than words
LoL Novita
i have my share with the police here, had the house robbed, and they hinting that we robbed our own house because the footprint outside the door was the same with my sandals.
Took us 5 hrs to do 1 paragraph police report in arabic.
And my husband have to talk to so many different person just to recover our handycam that they took away as evidence.
saudi police is very dangerous... i got a dream job offer in saudi recently, but i turned it down only coz it's saudi... i never would allow my wife to live in such a place where she can't drive her own car... (though irrelevant to this post, btw)
but, frankly speaking, i had sterio type idea of qatari police since i didn't have to deal with them before.... now i guess i am getting confidence...
ok i was a police man for 3 years and the first target for us to help every one smile even if some one dosent respect us we have to ignore his act but some of us cant handle it one day i went to dubai throw Saudi in the border i met one police man 2 check my car you know what he did ? he got the whole things out of my car and he left me for 1 hour when came back he told me put your things back !!! and YALLA GO
what am trying to say is our police men are better than most of arab police
Yeah! you're right verisi...Polcemen here in Qatar are really good!They are performing their duty properly. Hope,some policemen can read this article. I want to salute them!.They are not taking the side of the other if they knew that they are wrong even if the police & the other party is arabic.The truth prevails..Congratulations!Keep up the good works!!
I echo your sentiment verisimilitude , I once went to the police station regarding a car accident that a friend of mine got into, must say the Qatari officers were real gentlemen, offered me a cup of tea and asked me to wait till the formalities were done.
" Winning is not everything, it is the only thing. Second place goes to the first loser " - J.Johnson
i think the police here are well trained and act like humand. they are very very helpful and pacient, compeard to other countries, where police act like animals sometimes.
remember they are dealing with xkind of nationalities EVERY DAY! its not an easy job!
action speaks louder than words
I am sure there are, but they are not the ones we meet at roundabouts or on the streets.
Even you can't deny that.
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
pcg, there many Qatari policemen, you just don't notice them.
I would love to enlighten you, as it is I have yet to meet a Qatari that is a Policeman. So I can't. Can you?
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
Even if they are not Qatari, they are doing a good job
and I do not agree that most are not nice, that's the whole point of this thread...
Maybe if you say why you think that most are not nice instead of just judging them, we would be more enlightened...
... both of you...
the Qatari Police we see are not Qatari.
Secondly; some are nice but most are not.
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)