Wanna share something About QL Site

In every need in Qatar to find useful important information there is only one web site that come to my mind Its Qatar living . This web site is utterly brilliant. some people misusing this site Caz they doesn't know the importance of this site. This site has help me a lot. So now its my duty to give thanks to all the members and the QL management for giving us a brilliant site like. I wish you all the best!!!!!We hope to see more features in the future..
Thank you!!!!!!!!BEST & BEST..... QL is the Best!!!!!
Darude, I can't beat you! I'm just a rookie here!
I knew this shall be the quickest forum to be hijacked....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
NFH is that yourself and DaRude that you refering too. lol
We have come a long way to stand where we are today. Thanks again to all the support from QLers...
Kindly request every one not to miss use the freedom of speech.
The wise person has long ears and a short tongue.
The 2 scariest are in this thread!
Dont worry, Donosa!
I am here to "take care" regarding those scary-people
addicted hmm beat me then in QL addiction
Hiya Skanky You watching the Footie tonight?
the most useful and addicting site... (facebook is not that useful, it's just addictive). But sometimes people will scare you away with some dramatic answers to your question, leaving you more confused than before! hehehe
are fine with our pvt meetings at 2am on beach some where in Qatar.
Hmmm is there something fishy going on. I thought Homosexuality was illegal here?..lol
Skaaaaaannnkkkyyyy...how are you??
Will have a meeting in 2weeks of time so be ready i dont need any filthy excuses of yours.
U miss me hun???
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
keep enjoying the site
very true regarding the information shared and answers given ... have recommended may times to my friends in needy abt this site ...