61 anniversary of the occupation of Palestine

61 year anniversary of the occupation of Palestine
This year marks the 61st anniversary of al Nakba ('the Catastrophe'). The Nakba refers to the destruction of Palestinian society in 1947-8 when more than two-thirds of the Palestinian population was forced into exile as their presence and predominant land ownership was an obstacle to the creation of a Jewish majority state.
The plight of Palestine constituted a black station in the recent history of the Palestinian people, on the one hand they were expelled from their homeland and their land and deprived of their property and homes, and the other displaced in the world to face all types of suffering and woes.
The Nakba in 1948 to occupy more than three-quarters of an area of historic Palestine and the destruction of 531 population groups and the expulsion and displacement of about 85% of the Palestinian population.
Statistics reviewed the conditions of the Palestinian people, Palestinian eve of the sixty-first anniversary of the Nakba of Palestine as follows:
Catastrophe: ethnic cleansing and the establishment of a population:
Been expelled and the displacement of more than 800 thousand Palestinians outside their homeland to live in the neighboring Arab countries and all over the world and that of the 1.4 million Palestinians were living in Palestine in 1948 and 1.300 in the Palestinian villages and cities, and the data show that documented the web site "in the memory of Palestine" that the Israelis have been in control during the Nakba and the subsequent phase of the 774 villages and cities, has been the destruction of 531 Palestinian villages and cities, and Israeli forces committed more than 70 massacre and the massacre against the Palestinians and led to the martyrdom of more than 15 thousand Palestinians during the Nakba.
Demographic reality: After 61 of the Palestinian Nakba doubled 7 times:
Statistical data indicate that the number of Palestinians in 1948 amounted to 1.4 million while the number of Palestinians as the end of 2008 about 10.6 million people, this means that the number of Palestinians in the world has doubled since the 1948 Nakba b 7 times. With regard to the Palestinians living between the river and the sea, the data indicate that the total number of Palestinians living in historic Palestine at the end of 2008 about 5.1 million people compared to about 5.6 million Jews, in the light of the new review of the estimates of the expected number of the population, based on the results of General Census of Population The 2007 housing and facilities, it is expected to equal the number of Palestinians and Jews, between the river and the sea by the year 2016.
Statistical data show that the proportion of Palestinian refugees in the Palestinian territories constitute a rate of 43.6% of the total Palestinian population living in the Palestinian territories, the total number of refugees registered with UNRWA and the end of 2008, approximately 4.7 million Palestinian refugees, who accounted for 44.3% percent of the total population Palestinians in the world, divided by 41.8% in Jordan, in Syria, 9.9% and 9.0% in Lebanon, and in the West Bank 16.3%, and the Gaza Strip, 23.0%, about one third live in 59 camps.
The number of Palestinian residents who did not leave their homeland in 1948 about 154 thousand citizens, while the estimated number in the sixty-first anniversary of the plight of some 1.2 million people, the end of 2008.
The population in the Palestinian territories about 3.88 million at the end of 2008, including 2.42 million in the West Bank and about 1.46 million in the Gaza Strip. On the other hand, the total population in the province of Jerusalem about 379 thousand people in the year-end 2008, approximately 62.1% of whom reside in that part of the province which was annexed forcefully by Israel following its occupation of the West Bank in 1967.
The data also indicated for the year 2007 to 43.6% of the Palestinian population in the occupied Palestinian refugees, and in the region, reaching the proportion of refugees in the West Bank, approximately 27.2% and in the Gaza Strip reached 67.9%. Fertility is high in the Palestinian territories when compared to the levels prevailing in other States, the total fertility rate in 2007 in the Palestinian territories 4.6 births, with 4.1 in the West Bank and 5.3 in the Gaza Strip.
Population density - the plight of Palestine turned the Gaza Strip to the most densely populated parts of the world:
The population density in the Palestinian territories at the end of 2008 approximately 645 persons / km 2 per 427 person / km 2 in the West Bank and 4.010 persons / km 2 in the Gaza Strip, while in Israel, reaching the population density in 2008 about 334 persons / km 2 of the Arabs and the Jews .
Settlement - the vast majority of the settlers live in Jerusalem, the purpose of judaizing:
Most settlers live in Jerusalem, where the data indicate that the number of Israeli settlements in the West Bank has reached 144 in the colony and the end of the year 2008. The preliminary estimates show that the number of settlers in the West Bank has risen to about half a million settlers, in the end of the year 2008.
Wall of annexation and expansion: eats about 13% of the West Bank:
The total length of the wall about 770 meters, which was built approximately 409 km of which 53.1% of a full course of the wall, while there are 248 km of the planned construction, work in progress to build a 113 km. The wall cuts off an area of 733 km 2 of land, and the estimated length of the eastern wall, which extends south from the north about 200 km. The number of gatherings over the wall of annexation and expansion of the territorial population grouping 171 with the end of June 2008.
Land uses - Israeli restrictions deny the exploitation of more than one third of the West Bank:
The area of the occupied Palestinian 6.020 km 5.655 km 2, including 2 in the West Bank and 365 km 2 in the Gaza Strip, and the proportion of land area in the Israeli settlements built around 3.3% of the West Bank (which does not include the area around the colonies and military posts and bypass roads, etc.).
Water in the Palestinian territories and the reality and challenges:
The amount of water for domestic use purchased from Israeli Water Company (Mekorot) for the year 2008 approximately 47.8 million cubic meters in the West Bank, according to preliminary data for the Palestinian Water Authority. While the value of the quantity of water available annually in the occupied Palestinian 335.4 million cubic meters in 2007. The quantity of water supplied for domestic use in the Palestinian territories in 2007 about 175.6 million cubic meters, the Palestinian per capita water supplied to the domestic sector, 135.8 liters / person / day, ESCWA data indicate that the average per capita consumption in Israel has reached about 350 liters / capita / day, while Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley consume the equivalent of 75% of the total amount of water consumption by Palestinians in the West Bank.
The year 2008 data indicate that the 123 population groups in the Palestinian territories where there is no public water system is a rate of 22.9% of the population with a population of 177.275 people, all in the West Bank. And 116 communities in the occupied Palestinian population get water from the Israeli water company (Mekorot), and is inhabited by about 454 thousand inhabitants, or 12.1% percent of the population in the Palestinian territories, and these groupings are divided by 110 communities in the West Bank and 6 groups in the Gaza Strip, as well as the 112 population groups in the West Bank receive water through the waters of the West Bank.
"Lebanon. Our president, President Bush, has rejected calls for an immediate cease-fire on the grounds that he'd prefer a 'sustainable cease-fire.' It makes sense. He doesn't want the killing to stop until he's sure it will stop. So, there will be more killing until the president's convinced that there will be no more killing. Or everyone else runs out of people." --
is not the west bank also called one of the "occupied territories"?
And was it not supposed to be owned by the isralites?
is not the west bank also called one of the "occupied territories"?
And was it not supposed to be owned by the isralites?
is not the west bank also called one of the "occupied territories"?
And was it not supposed to be owned by the isralites?