RI's annual survey …Top 200 Companies
For those who feel India is still a country of snake charmers and where means of local transport are still animal backs (pun intended), just follow the links below.
Tata Group, one of India's largest industrial conglomerates which runs more than 98 firms is ranked at 11th position above global giants like Google, Microsoft, General electric, Toyota, Coca-Cola, Intel, Unilever, and many others.
State Bank of India scored the third most reputable bank after China Merchants Bank, China and Sberbank, Russia.
P.S.The 2009 Global Reputation Pulse Project was conducted in 32 countries.
The Global Reputation Pulse is a measure of corporate reputation calculated by averaging perceptions of trust, esteem, admiration, and good feeling.
Reputation Institute overcomes cross-cultural biases by adjusting all Global Reputation Pulse scores against the aggregate distribution. Standardization has the effect of lowering scores in countries that tend to over-rate companies, and has the effect of raising scores for companies in countries that tend to rate companies more harshly. All Global Reputation Pulse results are therefore comparable across industries, countries, and over time.